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George Bush Tells America To Fuck Off!

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Tuesday, 17 May 2005
It's About F@&king Time!
I don't care what he did or didn't do and I don't care what his past is because this is just about the best thing I haven't seen on TV and the closest thing to the truth that I have ever seen anyone say in a Congressional session:
British MP George Galloway blisters US policy on Iraq on MSNBC

The full video is here: British MP George Galloway Testimony, Kicking Ass!

P.S. If you watch this interview in it's entirety you will see that this is exactly how a man accused of a crime would respond if he was not guilty. This man is entirely forthcoming, answering every single question clearly and concisely so as to leave no stone unturned or leading one to believe that he has something to hide. He's just pissed off that the men that are questioning him are the same men that SHOULD be on trial!

Watch any of the neocons (especially Bush - the man has NEVER answered a direct question with a direct answer) testifying in congress or speaking publicly and any objective 3rd party would come to the conclusion that their behavior is a case in point of someone looking to hide, evade and spin the truth.

If George Galloway's guilty I'll eat my feet while their still attached to my ankles.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 6:37 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 17 May 2005 10:48 PM EDT

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