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Wednesday, 26 October 2005
Unhappy Anniversary.
Topic: State Of The Union
Those of you, who in your infinite wisdom voted for George W. Bush, as of today have the blood of our 2001st soldier on your hands and a tarnish on your soul. Congratulations.

Everything happens for a reason so I will not say that those 2001 soldiers and the countless innocent civilians that have been murdered died for no reason but I will say that they didn't die because of the reasons we were given by this administration, they are not presently still dying in the "war on terror" and they are certainly and let me make this abundantly clear, NOT DYING FOR OUR FREEDOM!!!

Now you can call me un-American or an out-of-the-mainstream Liberal who hates America but frankly I don't give a damn. The emperor has no clothes and I won't shut up. And considering the fact that people are dying maybe you shouldn't take my words with a grain of salt. Don't you remember I was right and you were so, so wrong.

Iraq has never had anything to do with our freedom, was never until we preemptively invaded and occupied them a player in American directed terrorism and here's the point that should wake you up in the middle of the night begging for your depraved soul, the little so-called good that you claim hasn't been reported by the mainstream "liberal" media could have been achieved without the violence and had peaceful methods been used, would have been sustainable, albeit a longer and more patient and disciplined process. And by the way, those insurgents that you keep referring to aren't Syrians, Iranians, Jordanians or Saudi Arabians, they're Iraqi's and the overwhelmingly don't want us there. That's why they smiled and happily showed us their ink stained thumbs, they were saying "we voted, now you get the fuck out" but you were too ignorant to recognize that fact.

So you can go around spewing your ignorant propaganda until one day when 2001 more soldiers and untold numbers of innocent civilians have been killed you realize that we were lied to and you finally do something about it. Hopefully you don't have to lose someone who you care about before that happens. I'm sorry, I forgot, you Republicans just "support" wars with little yellow "Made In China" magnets stuck on the back of your cars, you don't actually sacrifice anything during them.

Unhappy Anniversary.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 1:15 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 26 October 2005 1:17 PM EDT

Friday, 4 November 2005 - 10:40 PM EST

Name: heres a real independent thought

We are in the Iraq war because of Jewish control of our foreign policy. You see, the only reason the entire chain of events leading to 9/11 and Iraq began was because the U.S. was the first country to recognize Israel, we gave them aid in multiple wars, and we still give them money today. This pissed off Osama, and it pissed off like minded individuals when we overthre the prime minister of Iran, replaced him with a dictator who was overthrown by Islamic youngsters.

But I thought we wen't to Iraq on account of the oil? Well if this is true, then why are we helping Israel, which has no oil. Pat Buchanan got it right, so they kicked him out of the Republican party. Ralph Nader hinted at it, the "puppeteer speech", so he's a third party candidate looser. Will America ever wake up to the Jews in power? No, but these terrorists have, and they want to cut the bad out with the good if you get my meaning.

P.S. Y'all should see who imported the first slaves to America.

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