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Saturday, 22 January 2005

A Conservative Says...

Topic: Satire
The Indy Voice has received some interesting critiques from a couple of gentlemen who call themselves Americans. Their responses to my statements are as predictable as they are cliche and banal. What is it with conservatives? Do they get an ignoramus kit when they join the he-man everybody-hating club? It sounds like somebody's been reading, Ann "The Blonde Natasha" Coulter's book "50 Ways To Call Liberals Traitors", but these guys have a hard enough time writing.

In about 45 seconds I can come up with every response that these guys will use against liberals for the rest of their hate filled lives. They kind of remind me of that kids toy where you pull the string and it says a cow says "moo!". Except to spin these guys up all you have to do is say something they don't agree with and out pops "A Conservative Says..." (add something here about hating America, Jesus, and the bible and/or loving terrorists, communists or destroying America).

Below is an ever-so-slight caricature of the types of "conversations" or "debates" I've had with conservatives:

Liberal: George W. Bush has consistently lied and created an environment of hysteria to attain political and economic goals that have nothing to do with his stated purpose.

Conservative: (Fighting back tears of rage) You must be one of them there Commie-pinko-socialists assholes and you should move to China.

Liberal: The United States government has been responsible for the exact behavior that they claim to condemn. To say this isn't unpatriotic but the epitome of what it means to be an American. In fact, our entire system of government depends upon its citizens not only questioning the government but holding them accountable for their actions.

Conservative: (Thinking about loading their gun) Uh, I don't know 'bout all that but you hate America and Jesus Christ and I don't even think y'all like apple pie. You sound like one of them liberal elites Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh, men of God and true Americans, remind us to hate every day.

Liberal: Don't you realize that the actions of George W. Bush have been inconsistent with his rhetoric. He has not united this nation but divided it when he preemptively choose to attack a country that had nothing to do with American directed terrorism. He has failed to direct our resources towards the legitimate threats and he has failed to address security issues that have long been neglected because the industries that would require government regulations and control are the same corporations that have purchased George W. Bush the Presidency.

Conservative: (Thinking that Fox "news" has never mentioned this kind of stuff before) You wanna sodomize Osama Been Ladeen don't cha? You are one American-hating sum' bitch. You just can't stand that George W. Bush, God bless his soul, has the cajones to stand up to those towel heads over there. He's fighting an "away game" so that we don't have to fight here. I say love it or leave it you Commie bastard.

Liberal: While I myself am not a Christian I can respect the true teachings of Jesus Christ. His true teachings are the truth that is represented in many of the worlds great religions. I don't have a problem with Christians or Christianity, I have a problem with those greed consumed capitalist that call themselves Christians who are destroying not only a great religion but a great country. Unregulated capitalism is not in the constitution and the constitution is not in the bible nor is the constitution based on the bible.

Conservative: I knew it! You are a pinko, Jesus-hating Commie. You're aidin and abettin them damn terrorists! It doesn't say God Bless America in the bible for nothing. God loves America and he hates towel heads, sand niggers, fags, kikes, dikes and liberals like you. I feel sorry for you. You're nothin but a weak terrorist sympathizer.

Liberal: I find it very hard to support a man who claims to despise people who use violence for political and economic ends, "terrorists" as he likes to call them, but then turns around and needlessly and violently destroys a country in an ill-advised search for WMD. Furthermore this President has consistently lied to the American people about the reasons for war. The senate authorized the use of force solely based upon the stated purpose of finding WMD. When none were found this President never apologized or admitted making a mistake, he just changed the reasons for war.

Conservative: (Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!)

Liberal: Boy, did you miss the point. It's a damn good thing your shooting is as flawed as your thinking!

While I've never been shot at (not yet), why does almost every "conversation" or "debate" with a conservative go something like this? And I'm the irrational and emotional liberal, right?

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:02 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (25) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 25 January 2005 11:27 PM EST

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 10:42 AM EST

Name: Al Candra
Home Page:

Did you ever notice that there the word "lies" is right there in the word "liberals"? It's just another sneaky thing you guys do, just like those backwards-masked Satanic records you're always putting out. Your such a liar, you're probably not even from Indianapolis, you probably just call yourself the Indy Voice so nobody will know your real address, or so you can fool people into thinking there are people in the heartland who think like this.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 10:42 AM EST

Name: Al Candra
Home Page:

Did you ever notice that there the word "lies" is right there in the word "liberals"? It's just another sneaky thing you guys do, just like those backwards-masked Satanic records you're always putting out. Your such a liar, you're probably not even from Indianapolis, you probably just call yourself the Indy Voice so nobody will know your real address, or so you can fool people into thinking there are people in the heartland who think like this.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:02 AM EST

Name: Indy
Home Page:

Did you ever notice the word "con" is in the word conservative? So is the word "conserve" but what exactly do conservatives, conserve?

Al, I think you must be some wickedly brilliant liberal who is making fun of the ignorance you're espousing. If you are for real, I just have to say that you are the case-in-point for the power of DNA and how very slight differences in chemical makeup can create huge swings in the final outcome. If you are for real Al, I feel ashamed that someone of your vast and complete ignorance can be produced from the same genetic material as the rest of humanity.

I call myself the Indy Voice not because I'm from Indianapolis but because it's short for "Independent". I'm not from the heartland but I live in North Carolina which should further dispel the myth that everyone who lives in NC is a toothless ding-dong who voted for George W. Bush and doesn't know that proper english could be either "fascist homophobic" because the reference (you) would be the noun and "homophobic" would be the adjective or "fascist homophobe" whereby the reference (you again) would be referred to as the adjective "fascist" and the noun in this case would be "homophobe". Translation to the DNA deficient: you can say it either way but keep up the good work Al, in about 65 million years your descendants should finally have a working knowledge of the English language.

The Indy Voice

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:11 AM EST

Name: The Indy Voice
Home Page:

P.S. Hey Al I would consider it a great honor if you were to put on your site's "Pages To Boycott".

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:21 AM EST

Name: Peter G.
Home Page:


I'd like to put a little perspective on one of the statements you made in your latest slanted diatribe. Allow me to quote you, providing some substitutions for the word "conservatives":

- "What is it with BLACKS?"
- "What is it with WOMEN?"
- "What is it with MUSLIMS?"
- "What is it with GAYS?"
- "What is it with JEWS?"

Way to pigeon-hole an entire group just so you can bash what you perceive to be their stance. I thought the point of a blog was to encourage political and social debate; instead, you use it as a soapbox to espouse your narrow and mypoic world views...spinning the Right wing viewpoint into straw man arguments so you can easily dismiss them.

Over half the voting population in this country is conservative. Are we ALL delusional? Do we ALL have it wrong? If you think so, and you're truly confident in your views, perhaps you'd be willing to engage in some TRUE debate. You know, point-counterpoint?

Or you can just continue to paraphrase us, misrepresent us, and dismiss us. Go right ahead. Fox News has 6 million regular viewers; The Indy Voice has you, me, Al Candra, and your cousin Sally.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:21 AM EST

Name: Al

Will do, and stop hating America.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:21 AM EST

Name: Peter G.
Home Page:


I'd like to put a little perspective on one of the statements you made in your latest slanted diatribe. Allow me to quote you, providing some substitutions for the word "conservatives":

- "What is it with BLACKS?"
- "What is it with WOMEN?"
- "What is it with MUSLIMS?"
- "What is it with GAYS?"
- "What is it with JEWS?"

Way to pigeon-hole an entire group just so you can bash what you perceive to be their stance. I thought the point of a blog was to encourage political and social debate; instead, you use it as a soapbox to espouse your narrow and mypoic world views...spinning the Right wing viewpoint into straw man arguments so you can easily dismiss them.

Over half the voting population in this country is conservative. Are we ALL delusional? Do we ALL have it wrong? If you think so, and you're truly confident in your views, perhaps you'd be willing to engage in some TRUE debate. You know, point-counterpoint?

Or you can just continue to paraphrase us, misrepresent us, and dismiss us. Go right ahead. Fox News has 6 million regular viewers; The Indy Voice has you, me, Al Candra, and your cousin Sally.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:27 AM EST

Name: Peter G.

Oh, one more thing, genius:

The phrase is "case and point." Not "in."

Squeak by English 101 with a C-, did we?

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:29 AM EST

Name: Peter G.

Oh, one more thing, genius:

The phrase is "case and point." Not "in."

Squeak by English 101 with a C-, did we?

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 11:59 AM EST

Name: Al Candra
Home Page:

What's all this talk about DNA? DNA is a athiest invention to prevent Creationism taught in school. If DNA were any credible form of science, OJ would be in jail.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 12:02 PM EST

Name: Al Candra

Pardon the typos of my last post. I was emotional. Here was the intended comment:
What's all this talk about DNA? DNA is a atheist invention to prevent Creationism from being taught in school. If DNA were any credible form of science, OJ would be in jail.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 2:39 PM EST

Name: The Indy Voice
Home Page:


I will gladly debate you and Al any time you would like. You may know, as do the thousands of people who have viewed this blog, that I have asked, literally begged, for a conservative to debate. I welcome a debate but I must tell you that I don't think it is possible. For a debate is defined as:

A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.

I am fundamentally opposed to the types of beliefs posted on Al's site. Because of this fundamental opposition and my belief that conservatives are unwilling to hear differing views, I don't think that we could have a fruitful debate. Oh, I do think we could cast aspersions at one another and debase and degrade one another but I do not consider myself "righteous". I think you and people like you, do. Because you feel that you are morally and intellectually superior our debates would wind up going nowhere. It is not possible to have a rational debate when one party considers the other to be beneath them. Although, I am willing to give it a try.

Case in point, your attempted correction of my statement "case in point" is evidence to the validity of my above argument. IT IS "case in point" not "case and point" (take a look at and I would not have wasted my time correcting you on this minor issue if it did not make my point that you consider yourself to be above me intellectually and otherwise. P.S. I was a dean's list student and in fact got A's in English among my other courses.

I wanted to warn you first before we attempt any debate. When people in this country start discussing the things that are important to them and if they are given the facts, they always come to the decision that they agree with the Liberal philosophy. Case in point is the discussion about Social Security. The argument by true conservatives is to abolish this governmental program but Bush knows that if he attempts that tact the majority of people who both consider themselves Republican or Democrat would hang him from the nearest tree. This is because the overwhelming majority of people are in fact liberal minded and the debate about the single biggest liberal created program known as Social Security is proof of that. Bush, as have many other Republicans, pervert liberalism for their own financial or political gain, that is why he?s attempting to destroy it by appealing to people?s rational self-interest i.e. private savings accounts. When you debate a fact wielding liberal you are going to hear some things that will contradict your strongly held beliefs. That is because some of your beliefs are based upon incorrect information.

If you would still like to debate I suggest that we start with evolution versus creationism. That should really get the blood flowing. I think that the method of debate should be me posting on my blog with my arguments and Al or yourself posting on his blog with your arguments. If you?re up for it let me know.

The Indy Voice

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 4:46 PM EST

Name: Peter G.

Jerkoff (a.k.a. "I.V."),

Once again, you feel you have to lump us all together ("Conservatives") to destroy us with your simple argument. How do you know what my stance is on Creationism vs. Darwinism? You don't. But the arguement you claim to have "literally begged for" is one wherein you TELL me what my viewpoint is, then tell me why it's wrong.

You also assume that we are incapable of having a true debate because my views are skewed to the point of irrationality. Why is that? What do you know about me? Do you know what town I grew up in? What my parents did for a living? What I do for a living? What my view on stem cell research is? Abortion? Tax cuts? Social security? And WHY I feel the way I do about these issues?

No. You don't.


P.S. What school did you attend, that gives out "A"s for judgemental diatribes? My English and History professors tried to teach me to be objective, and I only managed to get "B"s. Maybe I should steer my kids toward your alma matter.

Monday, 24 January 2005 - 6:49 PM EST

Name: The Indy Voice
Home Page:

Thanks Petey! Never was my point made for me so eloquently.

I admit it, I pigeon-holed you and you had the oppurtunity to prove me wrong. Like George W. Bush, you've failed miserably.

The Indy Voice

P.S. My professors taught me to call a spade a spade. I got A's because I did it so well.

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 8:25 AM EST

Name: Al Candra
Home Page:

I've got a better idea. How about we have a good old-fashioned fistfight. You name the Piggly-Wiggly parking lot, and I'll be there. If you bring some of your liberal friends, we could even have a rumble like the ones Fonzie used to have on Happy Days. Name the time, finish your "homework", get off your "scooter", and I'll be there.

If you decide to go this route, however, I must warn you that I do lift weights, and have very powerful arms. I can bench 200+. How much can you bench?

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 10:00 AM EST

Name: The Indy Voice
Home Page:


You guys never cease to amaze me. I'll take this as a sign that you've given up on debating. How ironic! Did you even read my post?

I got to tell you Al, I don't take to well to threats. Why don't you read around this blog and my original blog (Independent Voice) and find out why this is a proposition for getting yourself hurt. If you'd still like to go through with this I'll gladly oblige. I must tell you though that I've just about had it with guys like yourself and while I am merciful, I am only human and it's gonna be hard restraining myself. Translation for the DNA deficient: you are going to be in a world of hurt.

The Indy Voice

P.S. Why don't you bring your friend Petey? Those odds are more fair.

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 10:40 AM EST

Name: Peter G.

"DNA deficient"? I have to ask, I.V., since you're genetically superior to Al and myself: Who else ranks beneath you on Darwin's scale?

-Blacks? (or "Niggers," as you likely prefer)

Really, I have to know. And who, exactly, gave you the power of determination? Were you visited by Lord Jesus in the night?


P.S. Pardon me, oh Great One, but I think you mean to say that you "don't take TOO well to threats." Again, English is apparently not your strong point. You probably make up for it on the I.Q. test with your deft analytical skills.

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 10:46 AM EST

Name: Al Candra

I'm sorry, did you already post how much you can bench somewhere? Is there a link?

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 11:29 AM EST

Name: Peter G.

Here's a link:


Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 11:51 AM EST

Name: The Indy Voice
Home Page:


Take a look at Scroll down the page to an article entitled "A Couple Of Thoughts". Look for "Sidebar:" and start reading. Those words were in response to another conservative who almost took things "too" (thanks Petey, oh wise one) far and are appropriate to your proposal.

I just have to ask Al, what branch of Christianity do you practice? What specific statements from the bible encourage you to violence and condemnation?

The Indy Voice

P.S. I just have to ask. Are you sure you and Petey don't have intimate feelings about one another? I've heard it said that those who condemn the loudest are guilty of having the same thoughts they condemn. It just seems that everwhere you are, your "buddy" Petey is. There's nothing wrong with these thoughts and you should act on them. Take it slow and I've heard that you should use lubrication.

As for me and because of your expert observations, I am going to renounce my heterosexual lifestyle to go find Osama so that we can get "gay married". I plan on moving to Canada with him because I hate liberty, justice and America and they don't have any of that there.

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 12:06 PM EST

Name: Peter G.

Hey Al, he preaches non-violence. That means he won't even fight back!


Al, would you mind if I keep his teeth? Might make an interesting necklace.


Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 12:28 PM EST

Name: Al

Just a couple of things to clarify. I usually don't go into such intimate details of my life, but you've challenged my manhood and religious convictions:
1. I only participate in heterosexual, monogamous intercourse with my wife of 28 years, with no weird positions if you really must know.

2. I worship on Sundays and Wednesdays at His Lord's Divine Rapture, and occasionaly on Friday's at The Brotherhood of Holy Spirit.

3. As far as fighting, I don't think I'd put it in the threat category, it was more of a challenge. It's the idea that you and I duke it out, and the winner's ideals are mutually accepted. It's very similar to debate, except with hitting instead of talking. It really helps you find out your limits. But now that I've read that you study some of that sneaky Oriental stuff, I may have to study up before the rumble.

4. Just to further clarify my heterosexuality, I have never seen Peter, and I always work my computer fully clothed, therefore, no funny business there. Furthermore, Peter may put out an uncalled for attack once in a while that goes beyond the line (he's gotten me on my blog, too), such as having intercourse with one's wife or mother, but never about making love to someone's father, brother, or any other male, which should make him very much heterosexual as well.

Now stop dodging the original question. How much can you bench?

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 1:06 PM EST

Name: Harry the Homo

Stick it to these breeders.

PS- Love the site! Long time reader, first time poster.

Fight the great gay fight!

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 1:06 PM EST

Name: Harry the Homo

Stick it to these breeders.

PS- Love the site! Long time reader, first time poster.

Fight the great gay fight!

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 - 1:56 PM EST

Name: Pete G.

Did your professors teach you to call a spade a nigger, as well?

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