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George Bush Tells America To Fuck Off!

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Thursday, 21 October 2004
Latest Voting Technology
Topic: Hopefully Humorous
This is a demo of the latest voting technology, brought to you by Diebold, a campaign donor of one of the candidates. See if you can find out which one:

Diebold Voting Machines

Posted by The Indy Voice at 8:22 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 21 October 2004 8:24 PM EDT
Wednesday, 20 October 2004
Terrorists For Bush
Topic: Bush
The Associated Press reported yesterday that Iran has officially backed George W. Bush for President. Yes, the country that if we had to invade anyone it should have been them. Yes, they are the country that does actually harbor Al-Queda. Iran (notice the "n" at the end of the name), is the country that does have programs to create Weapons Of Mass Destruction. And let us not forget that Iran treats it's citizens like absolute s*@t.

Yeah well that country is backing our President for another term. Our strong and decisive leader is actually preferred to the weak guy with the "pre-911 mentality".

The real reason that the terrorist are supporting Bush (I just love saying that), despite Bush having labeled them as being apart of the "axis of evil" (say that in an echo chamber for effect) is because unlike many in this country, the Iranian government actually looks at our President's actions and not his rhetoric.

George W. Bush is a windbag. He's full of brazen talk but does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to back it up and if you mention Iraq I'm gonna liberal slap you (that means harder than you've ever been hit). It was easy to invade a country in which we already controlled a majority of the air space, had imposed suffocating sanctions upon and knew that we easily conquered them 12 years ago when they were strong and it would be even easier to do it after we destroyed all their weapons.

Iran would be a different story.

The real reason that the terrorists prefer Bush over Kerry is because Kerry would actually do something that would put the hurt to the Iranian government. He would be slow and methodical. He would squeeze them from power with the weight of the world at our side. George W. Bush is going to keep doing what he's been doing there: NOTHING!

The real reason why the terrorists are supporting Bush (I said it again, yippee!) is because they fear Kerry's resolve to do something about governments around the world that actively oppress their citizens. The terrorists support Bush (yes!) because he's actually eliminated the moderate in the neighborhood who previously warred with Iran. In essence Bush has made the Iranians stronger.

Excerpts from the article include Iranian political analyst Mohsen Mofidi saying that ousting the Taliban and Saddam was the:

"biggest service any administration could have done for Iran."

He also said that Bush has learned from his mistakes:

"The experience of two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the responsibility Bush had, will make it a very remote possibility for him to risk attacking a much bigger and more powerful country like Iran".

He added:

"Democrats usually insist on human rights and they will have more excuses to pressure Iran."

A vote for Bush is a vote for the terrorists!

Bush Receives Endorsement From Iran

Posted by The Indy Voice at 12:43 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 19 October 2004
Open Letter
Topic: Misc.
This letter is in response to the United Kingdom editors and readers from the "Guardian" (The Guardian) who have taken it upon themselves to write to the undecided voters in Clark County, Ohio.

To Whom It May Concern,

Your actions have angered many here in the U.S. You have also made many here in the U.S. overjoyed. Regarding the former group of people I personally wanted to let you know that they do not represent all Americans.

Many here in the U.S. that spew vitriol over your actions don't recognize the irony of their statements. They say things like "stop meddling in our election", but they forget that RIGHT NOW in 2 different countries, not only is the U.S. government "meddling" but they're also creating, appointing, managing, and building the governments of 2 formerly sovereign nations. The astonishment of those that have uttered this vitriol, by the few of us that actually understand what it means to be an American patriot, is only surpassed by the amazement of their complete ignorance of American history.

Unfortunately some of us in the U.S. forget about our "meddling" in Vietnam and our failure to "meddle" in World War II until it was absolutely forced upon us. Some would say that we actually "saved" the Europeans because of our altruistic ideals, while they forget that the British were losing the same number of people every week from German bombs, that we lost on 9/11. They forget that this went on for 2 straight years while we sat back content with our economy and our ability to condition air. They forget about our "interventions" in the politics of countries around the globe, where we either removed or aided in the removal of governments.

Unfortunately some people within our country are content to let the poor of this country die for their beliefs. They do not have a problem with sitting in comfort while people in this country and around the world are affected by their decisions. It's about time that the citizens of this country hear how our decisions affect others. That is why I wanted to personally thank you for doing what so many of our institutions fail to do. Thank you for going out of your way to let people of this country know how you feel. We don't have to agree with what you are saying but we should respect it.

Those of us that look at questioning our government as a patriotic and constitutional duty can handle the truth. Please keep up the letters. For this American the problem of our ignorance and indifference extends way beyond a Presidential election and will only be solved through education. Education will breed empathy and only until the citizens reach that point will our policies change to reflect our values.

Thanks again,

The Independent Voice

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:25 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 19 October 2004 10:50 PM EDT
Sunday, 17 October 2004
You Are NOT A Republican!
Topic: Misc.
Unfortunately at this time in our country's history a small minority of people (the true self-interested Republicans) have been able to convince large numbers of people to vote against their own self-interest and the country's collective interest. Basically the true self-interested Republicans (which usually respresent large corporate interests) have been able to divide average citizens by claiming that they have the moral high ground with issues like abortion, gun control and gay marriage. It is indeed ironic that many of the Bush administration's stated public policy goals are the same as that of the liberals he condemns. In fact those imitative policies come from over 70 years of liberal propositions. The Independent Voice has already covered how these Bush administration policies are shallow and empty promises; a policy of say one thing and do another.

Let's talk about why you, YES YOU, reading these words right now, are in fact a liberal and you don't even realize it. If you are able to separate out single issues like abortion, gun control and gay marriage, and you embark upon a discussion of why you shouldn't vote against your own self-interest, you first need to start thinking about the issues that liberals have backed for over the past 70 years.

These are examples of the issues that affect you, that liberals have fought for. Many of these issues began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the "New Deal", continued through the administrations of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson, William Jefferson Clinton and hopefully John Forbes Kerry:

* Federal Balanced Budget
* Social Security
* Medicare
* Medicaid
* Unemployment Insurance
* Minimum wages
* Abolition Of Child labor
* Workplace Standards
* Welfare for children and the handicapped
* Collective Bargaining
* Securities And Exchange Commission
* Meat Packing Industry Regulations
* Drinking Water Quality Standards
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
* Department of Housing and Urban Development
* Department of Transportation
* National Endowments for Humanities and Arts
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting
* Environmental Legislation
* Minimum Car Safety Standards
* Food Stamps program
* Head Start
* Volunteers in Service to America
* Upward Bound
* Job Corps
* Rural Electrification

* Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

- offered assistance to underfunded public school districts throughout the country (sound familiar???)

* Higher Education Act Of 1965

- provided aid to needy college and university students

* Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

- aimed to help the poor through education, job training, community development, "community action," and the participation of the poor themselves in framing and administering the programs

* Civil Rights Acts

- Of 1964 which forbade job discrimination and the segregation of public accommodations

- Of 1965 which guaranteed black voting rights

- Of 1968 which banned housing discrimination and extended constitutional protections to Indians on reservations

And while guys like Al Gore didn't "invent" the Internet (nor did he claim to have done so, he actually said "During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet") he did initiate the push to make the publicly funded governmental, academic and military intranets, open to the public. The larger point that many Republicans miss is that the liberal policies of funding private and governmental institutions, eventually brought about the creation of the Internet as we know it. Without liberals like Gore, the disparate private networks would not have become what we take for granted today.

And while the list above is not an exhaustive one, the same Republicans that bad mouth liberal policies, are the same Republicans that enjoy and take for granted all the liberal provided benefits.

If you start learning about the issues that directly affect you, you should come to the conclusion that you too are NOT a Republican but rather a proud liberal.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 3:05 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 21 October 2004 7:07 PM EDT
Friday, 15 October 2004
4 More Years
Topic: Bush
The Independent Voice just wanted to show with pictures what you'd be missing by voting for John Kerry:

The Greeks Are Now Burning Our Flag!

U.S. Global Reputation At All Time Low

Posted by The Indy Voice at 1:33 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 20 October 2004 4:07 PM EDT
Thursday, 14 October 2004
A Dedication To The NeoCons
Topic: Satire
This goes out to all you Neo-Cons out there:

Chickenhawk Song

Check out more of these groovy hits at: Roy Zimmerman

Posted by The Indy Voice at 8:07 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 14 October 2004 8:08 PM EDT
Deliberate Manipulation
Topic: State Of The Union
If you've been reading The Independent Voice for any reasonable period of time you may have already realized that I've been trying to tell y'all that you need to get involved, you need to wake up, and you need to hunt for the truth.

In that vain it is my honor to recommend to you to go out and see the movie OutFoxed. I found this movie to completely reinforce all of my independent conclusions. You can purchase it here: OUTFOXED

Or if you're strapped for cash you can contact me and borrow my copy.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:05 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 14 October 2004 2:06 PM EDT
Wednesday, 13 October 2004
On The Issues
Topic: Misc.
Just in case either of the Presidential candidates attempts to distort their opposition's record, I've posted links to both John Kerry's and George Bush's "on the issues" record on the bottom left hand side of this blog.

Now you can have an unbiased look at how the candidates have acted. Enjoy!

Posted by The Indy Voice at 12:54 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2004 3:21 PM EDT
Vision Of Victory
Topic: State Of The Union
In a blogging first (hey we're breaking ground here!) The Independent Voice is calling tonight's debate for John Kerry, the next President of the United States. Who cares that the debate hasn't taken place yet? That is but a minor fact, and let's face it, the facts have never stopped the present administration.

Let's take a minute to imagine what the United States in the next 4 years under John Kerry will look like:

* No longer will minority corporate interests create policy

* No more unnecessary pre-emptive wars

* Upon turning on the Television to watch the State of the Union address we observe something that's been lacking over the past 4 years, an articulate, respectable and intellectual President

* Strong, but prudent responses to foreign threats

* Money for scientific innovations and cures for disease will flood our research institutions

* Leadership, not intimidation and contempt

* Corporate accountability

* Average people will be able to afford healthcare

* Our allies will return to the table

* Finally a plan and a vision for energy independence

* No more public statements that attempt to compensate for small genitalia, like "bring it on"

* An end to blind stubborness

* An administration that is open and levels with the public

* An administration that makes corporations responsible for the environment that they willfully pollute

* A return to the conservative value of balanced budgets

* A economic policy that promotes job growth from the ground up, not the top down

* A return to the values and ideals that this country was founded upon

While the presidency of John Kerry won't be a utopia by any stretch of the imagination and many campaign promises will not be kept (remember that the Republicans still control Congress) the new administration will be a breathe of fresh air for all peace loving, patriotic Americans.

As for the rest of America that doesn't appreciate these values: you can all go to hell. Just kiddin' that is the present administration's motto.

P.S. When John Kerry is President we all are going to need to stay vigilant so that he upholds his end of the bargain. We all need to stay informed and religously question his statements and actions.

We also need to make sure that the Republican controlled congress doesn't try to waste large amounts of our tax dollars trying to indict Kerry on charges that he didn't put the seat down or other trivialities.

The most important reason why this country needs Kerry is because he's not:

Stubborn And Stumbling

... He's Cool And Smooth


Posted by The Indy Voice at 12:38 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 14 October 2004 8:16 PM EDT
Tuesday, 12 October 2004
Topic: State Of The Union
Ask yourself 1 question:

What have you sacrificed for your country while it is at war with Afghanistan and Iraq?

At no time in the history of this country has the citizenry been asked to sacrifice so little while the country is waging not 1 but 2 wars.

We were asked to go shopping. We were told that the "war on terrorism" would be a war unlike the world has ever seen. We were told to be steadfast, resolute and patient. We then hastily attacked a small country of 25 million people that posed no direct threat. We waged the war conventionally, with a conventional fighting force. We conveniently forgot that the weapons we destroyed back in '91 were antiquated even for the standards 12 years ago. Some of us even acted surprised when multiple people appointed by this administration came back with the same answers; there are no WMD, there was no connection to Al-Queda.

I submit to you that the sacrifice you can provide to your country, in lieu of the leadership asking you to make any, is to become a seeker of the truth. Democracy relies upon the enlightenment and liberality of it's citizens. When our government leaders make statements, demand that our press ask truth seeking questions. If they don't, it is your patriotic duty to ask the questions yourself. Demand that your journalist stop waving the flag around and stop pinning it to their vests. Tell them to save their patriotism for when they're a citizen because when they're a journalist their duty is for objectivity in search of the truth. They're journalists first and citizens when the camera shuts off.

It is your duty as a citizen to sacrifice your own self-interest for the greater good. Tell your government that you are willing to endure hardships so that our policies can stand up for the ideals that this country was founded upon. Tell your government to stop supporting tyrannical kingdoms and dictatorships that oppress and torture their people because it's making us richer. Tell the government to stop talking out of both sides of it's mouth. Tell your government to stop spending your tax dollars to make the tools of war. Tell your government that you are willing to sacrifice to make these things happen.

Democracy depends on the sacrifices of it's citizens. If your not making any what do you think the future of this nation is going to look like?

"As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality."
George Washington

"War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses."

"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

Thomas Jefferson

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

"After crosses and losses, men grow humbler and wiser."

"There was never a good war or a bad peace."

Benjamin Franklin

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:38 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 12 October 2004 4:07 PM EDT

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