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Tuesday, 17 May 2005
It's About F@&king Time!
I don't care what he did or didn't do and I don't care what his past is because this is just about the best thing I haven't seen on TV and the closest thing to the truth that I have ever seen anyone say in a Congressional session:
British MP George Galloway blisters US policy on Iraq on MSNBC

The full video is here: British MP George Galloway Testimony, Kicking Ass!

P.S. If you watch this interview in it's entirety you will see that this is exactly how a man accused of a crime would respond if he was not guilty. This man is entirely forthcoming, answering every single question clearly and concisely so as to leave no stone unturned or leading one to believe that he has something to hide. He's just pissed off that the men that are questioning him are the same men that SHOULD be on trial!

Watch any of the neocons (especially Bush - the man has NEVER answered a direct question with a direct answer) testifying in congress or speaking publicly and any objective 3rd party would come to the conclusion that their behavior is a case in point of someone looking to hide, evade and spin the truth.

If George Galloway's guilty I'll eat my feet while their still attached to my ankles.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 6:37 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 17 May 2005 10:48 PM EDT
Saturday, 14 May 2005
No One Expects The Inquisition
Topic: State Of The Union
I was just thinking about the ludicrous nature of the Republicans killing the filibuster. Something struck me as odd when I was reading an email on the subject. You see the use of the filibuster started in 1806. For those of you keeping score that would be 199 years ago. I thought to the recent debate about removing the word "God" from the pledge of allegiance. During a discussion with a European mate I was enlightened to the fact that most of the free world doesn't have a pledge and they look at us and consider our pledge to be a wee bit scary. I guess it kind of reminds them of the nationalism that allowed Hitler to murder 30 million people on their continent.

Anyway, I was thinking that in a country with a political climate as bizarre as ours why would conservatives push so strongly to keep the word "God" in the pledge when they don't feel the need to keep the filibuster. I decided to look into the history of the pledge and found, of all things, irony. First of all, according to Kerby Anderson's Commentaries the pledge was only written in "1892 by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister who also embraced many socialist ideas." The original writing DID NOT include the word "God." In fact, "God" wasn't added until 1954. That's just 51 years ago. Most people I know are older than that!

I asked myself if I could ever see a Republican argument for the pledge that didn't include them mentioning that it is an institution that has been around for generations, which as I just pointed out is obviously not true? I think the answer is clearly no. Why then do they so loudly condemn those that claim that the filibuster is an institution in this country that has protected minorty rights for 199 years? Why all of a sudden is there such a pressing need to do away with it? Are the Democrats acting in a way that is so revolutionary and threatening to our Republic that drastic measures must be taken? Or is it more likely that dangerous fundamentalist "Chrisitans" have overtaken this party? Is it possible that what makes them so dangerous is their prideful ignorance where they neither understand history nor care to? Is it that they don't care about the means so long as they reach their ends?

Draw your own conclusions but it looks to me like it's just another attempted "Christian" inquistion seeking to purge the heretical dissenters from this country, but this time instead of Torquemada being "The Grand Inquisitor," it's an almost mythological beast that has the face of Bill Frist, the patience of Jerry Falwell and the logic of Pat Roberston.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:08 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 15 May 2005 12:30 AM EDT
Friday, 13 May 2005
Thirty-Thousand On A Toilet Seat?
Topic: Satire
When I first heard the news that the Bush administration was going to be closing military bases I was initially gleeful. The prospects of disillusioned Republicans danced in my head. I imagined all the thousands of service men and woman who bought into the Bush bullshit finding out that the guy they thought they knew had just indefinitely relieved them. I thought back to all the comments by all the pinhead conservatives who tried to paint Kerry as the anti-defense candidate.

"He voted against this piece of hardware and this billion dollar gadget that's guaranteed to kill thousands. Oh, the horror!"

The horror indeed. I remember looking at the records of the dark lord Cheney when he was a congressman, and Powell and Bush I back in the day when they were championing the "peace dividend" and advocating cuts in the military that were much deeper than what Kerry voted against. I know the hypocrisy and thought that now the predominantly Republican military would find out the truth.

Then reason kicked me in the head. No news is ever good news, with Bush loose. Sure they're saying that we're going to save $48 billion dollars over 20 years but my question is where are they going to spend the savings. After all this "conservative" President is the most spendthrift commander-in-thief this country has ever known.

Let me take a couple of guesses. How about battle-field nuclear weapons, or maybe the fantasy program that continues under the assumption that it's wise to spend trillions of dollars in the stratosphere for a sci-fi wet dream known as "Star Wars" targeted at stopping Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles?(It's a dream because if it ain't 100% perfect it don't matter) Or better yet, another war or Republican directed government waste that funnels off profit to private companies at the expense of the taxpayers? After all they are Republicans and this is your money we're talking about.

Another thing struck me as odd. Isn't it strange that there is only going to be a savings of $48 billion over 20 years when they're proposing the closing of 180 bases and we spend well over $400 billion a year on the military? I mean where is all the rest of the money going. That's only $13,333,333.34 dollars per base, per year. We spent $420.7 billion on the military last year not including the expenditures for Iraq and Afghanistan (don't get me started). So where did the rest of the $418.3 billion go?

If I'm doing my math correctly and assuming that the military budget stays at the present amount over the next 20 years that means that we'll spend well over $8 trillion protecting this great nation (by the way we kicked King George's ass without a standing army or navy and more recently got our asses kicked not once but twice by 3rd world nations).

$48 billion is like .6% of the total budget.

Let me say that again:

The budgets for 180 bases for the next 20 years equals .6 (YES THAT'S POINT 6) %(PERCENT) of the total military budget.

So my question is where is all the rest of the $7,952,000,000,000 (SEVEN TRILLION, NINE-HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO BILLION DOLLARS) going to be spent if it's not being spent on military bases?

Chew on that but here's the list of where it's not going to be spent:

Kulis Air Guard Station

Air Force Research Lab, Mesa
Allen Hall Armed Forces Reserve Center, Tucson

El Dorado Armed Forces Reserve Center
Stone U.S. Army Reserve Center, Pine Bluff

Armed Forces Reserve Center Bell
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Oakland
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Bernardino
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Diego
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Seaside
Naval Support Activity Corona
Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, Detachment Concord
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Encino
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Los Angeles
Onizuka Air Force Station
Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant

Sgt. Libby U.S. Army Reserve Center, New Haven
Submarine Base New London
Turner U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fairfield
U.S. Army Reserve Center Maintenance Support Facility, Middletown

Kirkwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Newark

Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Orlando
Navy Reserve Center, St. Petersburg

Fort Gillem
Fort McPherson
Inspector/Instructor, Rome
Naval Air Station Atlanta
Naval Supply Corps School, Athens
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Columbus

Army National Guard Reserve Center, Honokaa

Navy Reserve Center, Pocatello

Armed Forces Reserve Center, Carbondale
Navy Reserve Center, Forest Park

Navy Marine Corps Reserve Center, Grissom Air Reserve Base, Bunker Hill
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Indianapolis
Navy Reserve Center, Evansville
Newport Chemical Depot
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Lafayette
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Seston

Navy Reserve Center, Cedar Rapids
Navy Reserve Center, Sioux City
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Dubuque

Kansas Army Ammunition Plant

Army National Guard Reserve Center, Paducah
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Lexington
Navy Reserve Center, Lexington
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Louisville
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Maysville

Baton Rouge Army National Guard Reserve Center
Naval Support Activity, New Orleans
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Baton Rouge
Roberts U.S. Army Reserve Center, Baton Rouge

Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Limestone
Naval Reserve Center, Bangor
Naval Shipyard Portsmouth

Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Patuxent River
Navy Reserve Center, Adelphi
Pfc. Flair U.S. Army Reserve Center, Frederick

Malony U.S. Army Reserve Center
Otis Air Guard Base
Westover U.S. Army Reserve Center, Citopee

Navy Reserve Center Marquette
Parisan U.S. Army Reserve Center, Lansing
Selfridge Army Activity
W.K. Kellogg Airport Air Guard Station

Navy Reserve Center Duluth

Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant
Naval Station, Pascagoula
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Vicksburg

Army National Guard Reserve Center, Jefferson Barracks
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Kansas City
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, St. Louis
Marine Corps Support Center, Kansas City
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Kansas
Navy Reserve Center, Cape Girardeau

Galt Hall U.S. Army Reserve Center, Great Falls

Army National Guard Reserve Center, Columbus
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Grand Island
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Kearny
Naval Recruiting District Headquarters, Omaha
Navy Reserve Center, Lincoln

Hawthorne Army Depot

New Hampshire
Doble U.S. Army Reserve Center, Portsmouth
Naval Shipyard Portsmouth

New Jersey
Fort Monmouth
Inspector/Instructor Center, West Trenton
Kilmer U.S. Army Reserve Center, Edison

New Mexico
Cannon Air Force Base
Jenkins Armed Forces Reserve Center, Albuquerque

New York
Armed Forces Reserve Center, Amityville
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Niagra Falls
Carpenter U.S. Army Reserve Center, Poughkeepsie
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Rome
Navy Recruiting District Headquarters, Buffalo
Navy Reserve Center Glenn Falls
Navy Reserve Center Horsehead
Navy Reserve Center Watertown
Niagra Falls International Airport Air Guard Station

North Carolina
Navy Reserve Center, Asheville
Niven U.S. Army Reserve Center, Albermarle

Army National Guard Reserve Center, Mansfield
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Westerville
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Dayton
Mansfield Lahm Municipal Airport Air Guard Station
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Akron
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Cleveland
Parrott U.S. Army Reserve Center, Kenton
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Whitehall

Armed Forces Reserve Center Broken Arrow
Armed Forces Reserve Center Muskogee
Army National Guard Reserve Center Tishomingo
Krowse U.S. Army Reserve Center, Oklahoma City
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Tulsa
Oklahoma City (95th)

Engineering Field Activity Northeast
Kelly Support Center
Naval Air Station Willow Grove
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Reading
North Penn U.S. Army Reserve Center, Morristown
Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station
Serrenti U.S. Army Reserve Center, Scranton
U.S. Army Reserve Center Bloomsburg
U.S. Army Reserve Center Lewisburg
U.S. Army Reserve Center Williamsport
W. Reese U.S. Army Reserve Center/OMS, Chester

Puerto Rico
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Humacao
Lavergne U.S. Army Reserve Center, Bayamon

Rhode Island
Harwood U.S. Army Reserve Center, Providence
USARC Bristol

South Carolina
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Charleston
South Naval Facilities Engineering Command

South Dakota
Ellsworth Air Force Base

U.S. Army Reserve Area Maintenance Support Facility, Kingsport

Army National Guard Reserve Center No. 2, Dallas
Army National Guard Reserve Center (Hondo Pass), El Paso
Army National Guard Reserve Center, California Crossing
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Ellington
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Lufkin
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Marshall
Army National Guard Reserve Center, New Braunfels
Brooks City Base
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, San Antonio
Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant
Naval Station, Ingleside
Navy Reserve Center, Lubbock
Navy Reserve Center, Orange
Red River Army Depot
U.S. Army Reserve Center No. 2, Houston

Deseret Chemical Depot

Fort Monroe

1LT Richard H. Walker U.S. Army Reserve Center
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Everett
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Tacoma
U.S. Army Reserve Center, Fort Lawton
Vancouver Barracks

West Virginia
Bias U.S. Army Reserve Center, Huntington
Fairmont U.S. Army Reserve Center
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Moundsville

Gen. Mitchell International Airport ARS
Navy Reserve Center, La Crosse
Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Madison
Olson U.S. Army Reserve Center, Madison
U.S. Army Reserve Center, O'Connell

Army Aviation Support Facility, Cheyenne
Army National Guard Reserve Center, Thermopolis

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:48 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 13 May 2005 8:26 PM EDT
Thursday, 12 May 2005
If I've Said It Once...
I stole this off the 12thharmonic Blog. Check em' out.

Dear Sir:

I'm writing to urge you to consider blocking in committee the nomination of John Bolton as ambassador to the UN.

In the late summer of 1994, I worked as the subcontracted leader of a US AID project in Kyrgyzstan officially awarded to a HUB primary contractor. My own employer was Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly, and I reported directly to Republican leader Charlie Black.

After months of incompetence, poor contract performance, inadequate in-country funding, and a general lack of interest or support in our work from the prime contractor, I was forced to make US AID officials aware of the prime contractor's poor performance.

I flew from Kyrgyzstan to Moscow to meet with other Black Manafort employees who were leading or subcontracted to other US AID projects. While there, I met with US AID officials and expressed my concerns about the project — chief among them, the prime contractor's inability to keep enough cash in country to allow us to pay bills, which directly resulted in armed threats by Kyrgyz contractors to me and my staff.

Within hours of sending a letter to US AID officials outlining my concerns, I met John Bolton, whom the prime contractor hired as legal counsel to represent them to US AID. And, so, within hours of dispatching that letter, my hell began.

Mr. Bolton proceeded to chase me through the halls of a Russian hotel — throwing things at me, shoving threatening letters under my door and, generally, behaving like a madman. For nearly two weeks, while I awaited fresh direction from my company and from US AID, John Bolton hounded me in such an appalling way that I eventually retreated to my hotel room and stayed there. Mr. Bolton, of course, then routinely visited me there to pound on the door and shout threats.

When US AID asked me to return to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in advance of assuming leadership of a project in Kazakstan, I returned to my project to find that John Bolton had proceeded me by two days. Why? To meet with every other AID team leader as well as US foreign-service officials in Bishkek, claiming that I was under investigation for misuse of funds and likely was facing jail time. As US AID can confirm, nothing was further from the truth.

He indicated to key employees of or contractors to State that, based on his discussions with investigatory officials, I was headed for federal prison and, if they refused to cooperate with either him or the prime contractor's replacement team leader, they, too, would find themselves the subjects of federal investigation. As a further aside, he made unconscionable comments about my weight, my wardrobe and, with a couple of team leaders, my sexuality, hinting that I was a lesbian (for the record, I'm not).

When I resurfaced in Kyrgyzstan, I learned that he had done such a convincing job of smearing me that it took me weeks — with the direct intervention of US AID officials — to limit the damage. In fact, it was only US AID's appoinment of me as a project leader in Almaty, Kazakstan that largely put paid to the rumors Mr. Bolton maliciously circulated.

As a maligned whistleblower, I've learned firsthand the lengths Mr. Bolton will go to accomplish any goal he sets for himself. Truth flew out the window. Decency flew out the window. In his bid to smear me and promote the interests of his client, he went straight for the low road and stayed there.

John Bolton put me through hell — and he did everything he could to intimidate, malign and threaten not just me, but anybody unwilling to go along with his version of events. His behavior back in 1994 wasn't just unforgivable, it was pathological.

I cannot believe that this is a man being seriously considered for any diplomatic position, let alone such a critical posting to the UN. Others you may call before your committee will be able to speak better to his stated dislike for and objection to stated UN goals. I write you to speak about the very character of the man.

It took me years to get over Mr. Bolton's actions in that Moscow hotel in 1994, his intensely personal attacks and his shocking attempts to malign my character.

I urge you from the bottom of my heart to use your ability to block Mr. Bolton's nomination in committee.

Respectfully yours,

Melody Townsel
Dallas, TX 75208

...I've said it a thousand times. The Bushites are going to destroy as many institutions as they can that stand in the way of corporate power, control and greed and the U.N. is in their sights.

I've always felt that explaining what I believe are Bush's true motivations is like the character Holly Gennaro in the original Die Hard movie when she finally realizes that Hans is just an asshole without a honorable cause. If I was given the chance to confront Bush it would go something like this.

(I'll play Holly, which usually only works for me on sultry Saturday nights but that's another story)

Indy: After all your posturing, all your're nothing but a common thief.

Bush: I'm an exceptional thief, Indy. And now that I'm moving up to destroying countries around the world, turning Social Security over to investment bankers and bringing down the U.N. so that your kids will be pawns in the invetibable wars that will ensue, you should be more polite.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 11:50 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 13 May 2005 9:10 AM EDT
Wednesday, 11 May 2005
For The Greater Good: DISSENT!
Topic: State Of The Union
Ridge reveals clashes on alerts

A little late for the reelection but in plenty of time to help the historians classify this President and his administration as the most undemocratic, lying, manipulating set of thieves this country has ever and hopefully will ever know.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 3:24 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
The Mountain Grows: Episode XXVVIII
Topic: Iraq
If you haven't been paying attention you should really read this and if you have it's just a final confirmation of what thousands of sources from around the world have already confirmed.

Smoking Gun Memo?

P.S. Just on the off chance that someone with the resources of a mainstream news outlet behind you happens to be reading this, I have this to say to you:




Did you really think that you were going to turn out to be some some shill for a corporate game of luring customers into such serious newsworthy topics as Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant or Ben Affleck and J Lo?

Posted by The Indy Voice at 12:19 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 13 May 2005 9:12 AM EDT
Sunday, 8 May 2005
The Mountain Grows
Topic: Iraq
Gary Schroen is one of the CIA's most respected veteran spies. Here's what the man had to say on the distraction known as Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.):

He's Not A Crook And Liar: Gary Schroen

Posted by The Indy Voice at 9:18 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 8 May 2005 9:22 PM EDT
Moral Dilemma For All Time:
Topic: Hopefully Humorous
A dilemma for you...what would you do?

This test only has one question, but it's a very important one.

Please don't answer it without giving it some serious thought. By giving an honest answer you will discover where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, in which you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Thoughtfulness is important for this evaluation to be meaningful!

Ready? Begin!

You're in Florida...In Miami, to be exact... There is chaos around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods. This is a flood of major proportions. You are a photojournalist working for a major newspaper caught in the middle of this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing under the water. Nature is showing all its' destructive fury. You see a man in the water! He is fighting for his life, trying not to be taken away with the water and debris. You move closer. Somehow the man looks familiar. Suddenly, you know who it is... it's George W. Bush. At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him under, forever.

You have two options. You can save him or you can take the most dramatic photos of your life. You can save the life of President Bush, or you can shoot a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, documenting the death of one of the world's most powerful men.

Now, here's the question (please give an honest answer):

Would you select color film or rather go with the classic simplicity of black and white?

You wanna know what kind of damn liberal I am? After realizing who the victim was I decided it didn't matter, I'd still choose black and white film. No, just kidding. I'd save the sorry sack but he'd probably jump back in and drown himself after the relentless tongue lashing I'd give him!

Posted by The Indy Voice at 7:13 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Saturday, 7 May 2005
How Much Do Republicans Care?
Topic: Iraq
Is this the party that represents your beliefs?

How Much Do Republicans Care?

P.S. Check out the Video and Pic of the week!

Posted by The Indy Voice at 9:33 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Saturday, 7 May 2005 9:36 PM EDT
Wednesday, 4 May 2005
Let The Games Begin!
Topic: State Of The Union
Last night whilst perusing Crooks And Liars I stumbled across an article entitled "The next Schiavo Campaign."

It talked about how the Republicans and the Religious Right (isn't that a contradiction in terms?) are going to try and politicize the case of the firefighter who suddenly woke up from a high-level conscious state or coma or whatever you call it. Crooks And Liars believes that the Republicans and the Religious Wrong are going to try and draw parallels between this case and that other one where the woman was in a persistent vegetative state (of course blaiming it all on the evil liberals.)

After reading the article I said to myself,

"Boy, Crooks And Liars is usually dead on but I don't know if I can believe these accusations. I think the Republicans will take the time to understand the astounding differences between these 2 cases. Being the rational group of people that they are they'll probably consult the experts who will tell them that the firefighter's case is an aberration without medical definition and for lack of a better term, a miracle, the odds of which are probably billions-to-one. I just can't believe that the Republicans and the Religious Right would act any other way. After all the Republicans always act rationally. And need I mention the nearly 2000 years of non-partisan Christian infallibility?"

If on the off chance Crooks And Liars are in fact correct and The Indy Voice is wrong and the media's collective eyeballs are focused on the ensuing circus for the next 2 weeks, I preemptively wanted to inform you that there is in fact more important things taking place in this country and throughout the world.

For one, the Lynddie England case has been declared a mistrial after she pleaded guilty for torturing detainees who had neither judge nor jury decide their guilt. Apparently Charles Graner the other lackie convicted of the same crime, testified during the sentencing phase of the trial that the pictures he took of England holding a naked prisoner on a leash at Abu Ghraib were meant to be used as a legitimate training aid for other guards and England had been just following orders. The court was then cleared by the judge who advised the defense that "You can't have a one-person conspiracy." The judge instructed them that if she didn't understand that the orders were unlawful then she should plead not guilty because as a soldier her job would be to follow lawful orders. (For more information Judge Throws Out England's Guilty Plea)

Call me crazy but I just find it suspect when anyone says that a highly functioning and brilliant private like England couldn't have masterminded the naked man pyramid. I say let's get the 9/11 new trial over with, hold England responsible 9/11 for her one woman conspiracy and let's 9/11 get the whole Abu Gharib scandal 9/11 behind us. She's the 9/11 only one 9/11 responsible. Let's concentrate 9/11 on the more 9/11 important 9/11 things going on in the world. The longer 9/11 it goes on makes people 9/11 around the world 9/11 suspect that the responsibility for the decision goes all the way up 9/11 to the President 9/11 himself and we can't have 9/11 that no matter 9/11 what the facts 9/11 actually are.

As for who's correct The Indy Voice or Crooks And Liars I'm going to start a betting pool.

Alright, who's gonna bet on The Indy Voice? Do I have any takers?

Let the games begin!

Posted by The Indy Voice at 3:57 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 4 May 2005 4:17 PM EDT

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