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Monday, 15 August 2005
Just A Joke...
Topic: Hopefully Humorous


I'm just wondering if mainstream journalists would benefit from being stoned?

Would their reporting be better or worse?
God knows no one would notice if those boneheads over at FauxNews smoked some gangha!!!

I nearly wet myself, thanks Kev!

Posted by The Indy Voice at 7:58 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Monday, 15 August 2005 8:07 PM EDT
Wednesday, 10 August 2005
Topic: Iraq
You still don't get it, do you?

First of all if you're going to pretend to care for those that were murdered on 9/11 you should at least know the correct number of those that died, 2,819. (9/11 by the Numbers)

Yes, soldiers do sacrifice, unlike the other 279 million Americans who, other than being a soldier or the family or friend of a soldier, have sacrificed absolutely nothing in this crusade to bring democracy to the Middle East. With that being true we should NEVER send our soldiers to die in an evil war based upon false pretenses. Upon realizing this ruse perpetrated against us we should work to immediately remove those soldiers from harms way. Supporting our soldiers means only putting their lives on the line when it is absolutely necessary and anyone who tells you otherwise is a lying traitor. Bringing the troops home today would not be quick enough.

Unfortunately these words and this wisdom is wasted on the ignorant but we should not stop speaking the truth at every chance we get. Simply put, we invaded a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us in either word or deed and our soldiers were sent to kill innocent Iraqi citizens and die in an evil war based upon false pretenses.

What's it going to take for more people to believe this? The Downing Street Memos point to this conclusion, numerous insiders and whistleblowers all make the same claim. There were no weapons of mass destruction found. There were no Iraqi ties to Al-Qaeda. Our actions against the Iraqi people have only incited more violence, more terrorism and more hostilities. How much evidence is sufficient to prove that YOU were lied to? Would you be convinced if Bush finally admitted so much or would your pride and your party attempt to spin these truths yet again? Why is everyone that disagrees with this administration cut down like wheat from a farmer's sickle? Are they all wrong? Do they all have sinister motivations? How would that explain the internal intelligence memos of a foreign government that was in high-level discussions with policy makers directly in the Bush administration? Common sense, logic and a little information should tell you that at the very least there should be an independent investigation into to these extremely serious allegations.

Ask yourself what motivations dissenters have for speaking the truth. Are they trying to sell you something? What benefit is it to them to not go along with the party line? By witnessing what has happened to others that have spoken up wouldn't a truth teller know that they would be risking their own livelihood by doing so? Unfortunately history bears out that the truth tellers are often the ones that are condemned with vitriolic ferocity and the liars are exalted. The reason for this truth is that the liars have something to gain and those telling the truth have everything to lose. Unfortunately we are again playing out this historic tragedy where the victims are the innocent heroes.

If the victims of 9/11 were to meet George Bush and assuming that the after-life privilege's fortunate souls to the truth, they would tell him that his actions are an example of a despicable human being that failed to take into account the human costs of war. They would also tell him that there is ABSOLUTELY NO GOAL WORTH THAT COST. They would tell him that when he made his political and monetary calculations for selling a case of vengeance to the American people he knew full well that his statements had no basis in reality. If they could talk to him they would try to convince him that others have come before him and have followed similar paths. They would try to convince him of the reality that those who add nothing to humanity but lies, death and destruction are doomed for all eternity.

Look below at the picture of the cost of this human tragedy. Search for the truth, it’s there and you can find it. There are real people trying to live life the best they can who are from all walks of life; Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Democrats, Republicans, boys, girls, men and women, the young and the old, all who’s veins flow with the same color blood as your own and they are suffering directly from OUR actions. We do not need to forget those evil acts perpetrated against us to remember what we are responsible for.

The wisdom of the ages and the wise throughout time have all repeated the same truths. Isn’t it about time you listened?

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:38 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Ultimate Sacrifice
Topic: Iraq
James 2:14-26

"Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."


Posted by The Indy Voice at 1:34 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 10 August 2005 1:37 AM EDT
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Topic: State Of The Union
Click the picture to have your voice heard,

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:45 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2005 5:40 PM EDT
Friday, 5 August 2005
Karmic Retribution
Topic: Personal Attack
The news that CNN Suspends Robert Novak a.k.a. the Prince of Darkness After He Walks Off Set is some of the best news I've heard in a long time. As far as I'm concerned if there isn't a law applicable to Novak's disgraceful and contemptuous behavior in the Plame affair there should be and Novak should be sitting in a jail cell.

There are 2 reasons why I'm glad to see that Novak's been suspended. The first is that seeing Novak's despicable and childlike behavior tells me that this man, contrary to all previous malevolent acts, does indeed have a conscience and quite possibly starting to realize that the people he affected were flesh and blood human beings completely undeserving of soulless partisan retribution.

The 2nd reason why I'm glad to see that Novak's been suspended from CNN is that it has repeatedly been shown to me that miracles large and small happen to prove not to mess with the laws of karmic retribution because it is an absolute universal truth and as they say in the south, a real sum-a-bitch. My future probably doesn't bode well for taking such glee in Novak's downfall but I say this is finally a small win for the good guys. It's really too bad it took something so insignificant as Novak walking off the set of Crossfire for him to finally say that he's sorry.

He is sorry.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 12:01 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 5 August 2005 12:20 AM EDT
Thursday, 4 August 2005
Congressional Watergate?
Topic: State Of The Union
The latest developing and potential blockbuster of a story that we know will be repeatedly misreported in the mainstream news, may be by a woman by the name of Sibel Edmonds who is taking her former employer the FBI and key high-level Democrats and Republicans head on. is reporting that Vanity Fair is going to be floating allegations that GOP chief Hastert took Turkish bribes.

Gail Sheehy of The New York Observer reported about the linguists plight back on January 21st of 2004 in an article entitled, "Whistleblower coming in cold from the F.B.I.". Sheehy reported that Edmonds has accused the FBI of a number of misdeeds including attempting to extort members of Congress by willfully allowing translation work to go unprocessed in an attempt to show that the FBI required more money to protect the nation.

Edmonds has also claimed the FBI has used bully tactics to keep her quiet about other allegations such as,

" lapses in hiring and monitoring of translators, investigations that have been compromised by incorrect or misleading translations sent to field agents; and thousands of pages of translations falsely labeled "not pertinent" by Middle Eastern linguists who were either not qualified in the target language or English, or, worse, protecting targets of investigation."

Additionally, has some great "double-super-secret background" on Ms. Edmonds' previous allegations, Classified Letters Regarding FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

Sibel Edmonds is now alleging that she was privy to top secret conversations that took place between Turkish nationals and U.S. lawmakers whereby the Turks attempted to bribe U.S. politicians into not voting for a resolution to condemn the actions of Turkey in its complicity for genocide of its native Armenian population in 1915 because the ramifications of which would make Turkey's acceptance into the European Union extremely difficult if not impossible. The conversations have allegedly taken place between Republican U.S. Representative and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and other politicians from both sides of the aisle. is reporting that

"Hastert originally backed the resolution but then withdrew it minutes before it was scheduled to go up for a House vote.

Hastert’s office has denied receiving any such payments and Vanity Fair reports that there is no evidence that any payments were made.

Edmonds is suing the government over her (sic) dismissal but the Bush administration is attempting to have the lawsuit quashed claiming it would reveal state secrets."

The following are questions asked by Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes to the Republican Senator from Iowa, Charles Grassley, about the credibility of testimony by Sibel Edmonds concerning previous allegations,

Bradley: "Did she seem credible to you? Did her story seem credible?"

GRASSLEY: "Absolutely, she's credible. And the reason I feel she's very credible is because people within the FBI have corroborated a lot of her story."

If these new allegations prove to be true this story has the makings of a controversy tantamount to Watergate squared but this time the repercussions of which will be felt by the legislative branch and the F.B.I.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:18 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 4 August 2005 4:28 PM EDT
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Topic: Hopefully Humorous
I don't feel inspired to write about anything. Today a plane skipped off the runway in Toronto and everyone survived. I was glad to hear it but not remotely inspired to write about it.

There was the Bolton "abscess appointment" as it was called (I think) on Yeah so. We all know Bush is a horrible leader who makes completely pudding-brained decisions. My sentiments are let's move on. So what that we're the laughing stock of the world? Remember the election of 2000?

Iran is resuming it's nuclear program and do-do brain still won't sit down and have a simple conversation with them as he's left it up to the Germans, the British and the French to do all his heavy lifting while he goes off to Crawford for the 50th time. God knows that's where the next 1800 soldiers will die when Bush or his Republican "war at any costs" successor gets us into another iniquitous war of choice. Been there, done that.

1800 - no there's a milestone. The Busheviks and their ilk most be so happy that they've reached that one. But hey, we've turned the corner. Just close your eyes and try to forget that our troops are being attacked 50% more often than last year at this time. I know what we can do, just engrave all their tombstones with "turning the corner." Or here's a better idea, we'll just change our slogan. That'll show 'em! I'm curious, is mass stupidity by "intelligent design?"

Bill Frist is planning his run for President by announcing that he has finally broken from being Bush's ass hound and he's all for federally funding stem cell research. Way to go Billy boy, god knows you're politics are based on your love for your fellow man. Me and the Nazi Pope have voted. It's official, you're a saint. Release the smoke.

The space shuttle's cracking up. Again. And Michael Jackson ain't doing the moon walk because all his free time is being spent having pictures of his genitals taken.

The same Rafael Palmiero who said in front of a Senate hearing that he absolutely has not used steroids, has used steroids. His excuse is something about the steroids making their way into his body without his knowledge. Forget about "what the definition of is, is," Clinton should have used "she blew me without my knowledge." Can you just picture the entire House of Representatives doing a collective "oooooohhhhhh" and then voting against impeachment?

The polar ice caps are melting, major life-taking storms are happening more often and getting more ferocious and the dunder head gallery is running around yelling that it's all a figment of our imagination. Tell that to the polar bear who's sitting atop what was once a mighty glacier but is now a tiny iceberg as it heads for the Florida coast where it's about to be hit by 2 category 5 hurricanes.

Oh and lest I forget that I've received some 1000 emails from every foreign government on the face of the earth letting me know that I've won the lotto and another email 10,000 times from some dead guy from Liberia named Taylor who would just would love to give me millions of dollars because I'm so trustworthy. I have yet to see one red cent of any of that money. I'm either the luckiest guy on Earth or the unluckiest. Wait, I just got another 100,000 emails saying I'm the "lucky winner" so I guess that answers that.

I just wish I could find something compelling to write about. I wonder what J. Lo and Ben Affleck are up to?

Posted by The Indy Voice at 10:49 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 3 August 2005 3:42 PM EDT
Thursday, 28 July 2005
Violence V. Diplomacy
Topic: State Of The World
In what is being heralded as a momentous occasion the IRA Is Ending Longtime 'Armed Campaign'. For all the violence perpetrated by both sides, they both have accomplished far more, in a shorter period of time, by sitting down and talking with one another. They still have a long way to go but it is my belief that the greatest obstacle for them to overcome is the distrust and hostility that has arisen from years of violence.

You need go no further than the analogy of your life to understand why this works. Try and recall how many seemingly insurmountable problems that you, your friends and your family have faced in the course of your lives. The overwhelming majority of you have never killed anyone to solve any of your problems and those of you who have ask yourself, did it solve your problems or only create more?

Diplomacy wins every time and it's to bad that we usually only draw that conclusion after doing what doesn't work.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 9:34 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 31 July 2005 11:49 PM EDT
Tuesday, 26 July 2005
Mike Did.
Topic: Personal
On June 28th, just 2 days before my birthday, I was listening to the radio when a news report described how a helicopter carrying Navy SEALS crashed in Afghanistan and that they were in the process of finding out the status of those on board. I instantly thought of Mike Murphy. I called my wife who was still in contact with someone that worked with Mike's father. I received a phone call back from my wife saying "Sorry honey, Mike was on that plane."

It struck me tonight while I glanced at the picture of Mike in the article hanging on my fridge about why I haven't written about him. I can't live up to him. I can't describe how miserably low I feel for saying that. It's just that Mike was everything I try to live up to. Despite our differences about the military, I think me and Mike had a lot in common. With one huge difference. I wish that I could live up to my ideals and Mike, humbly did. I wish that I could have the courage of my convictions to lay it all on the line, coming to the card game with everything I have. Mike did. I wish I could put my head down, forget my perceived limitations and forge ahead, despite everything that they throw at me. Mike did. I wish that I could come to the aid of another human being, demonstrating the most ideal form of altruism by giving the only thing we really have, life. Mike did.

I can remember sitting in the car with Mike and his father as he drove me home from little league and puzzling at the intensity of their conversations. Mike had a goal and his father was just as intent upon making sure that Mike had the tools to succeed as Mike was in succeeding. At the time I didn't realize that I was witnessing greatness in the making.

When I heard that Mike Murphy became a Navy SEAL I was initially taken aback. I thought about Mike's small stature. How could a guy like him become a Navy SEAL? After all those guys are like Superman. I thought Mike may be a "Robin" but he's definitely no "Batman." And then I realized that those thoughts were due to my shortcomings, not Mike's. I remembered him possessing something so rarely observed. There is no better way to describe it than to say that Mike possessed a humble yet quietly intense perseverance. I remember thinking back to playing football and baseball with him and watching this humble, intense perseverance in motion. I particularly remember how Mike would rise to the occasion to help out the team, not for his ego but for the greater glory of the team. He was finely capable of doing just that. I was left thinking that Mike is the epitome of what it means to be a SEAL.

The details of Mike's death paint the picture of how many of us wish we could live; being, instead of wishing for greatness.

Mike, I am honored to have known you.

For more about Mike's service,

Remembering Lt. Michael P. Murphy

Navy SEAL from LI killed in Afghanistan

Official: Afghans sheltered SEAL from Taliban

How the Shepherd Saved the SEAL

Ceremony honors SEALs killed in Afghanistan

Posted by The Indy Voice at 1:25 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 26 July 2005 12:49 PM EDT
Friday, 22 July 2005
Longing For The Days....
Topic: Hopefully Humorous
Ah, do you remember the days when conservatives and liberals could get together and argue the finer points of the size of government? How I long for the days when the merits of my arguments were considered instead of my patriotism as exhibited by how well I fall in line with the views of the present administration.

Anyway, is linking to an article on the Rutland Herald entitled,

GOP candidate calls for impeachment

I'd much rather have the Independent Bernie Sanders but if I lived in Vermont Dennis Morrisseau is one maverick Republican I could vote for.

Isn't it ironic how during this tumultuous time for the Republican party and the United States that returning to your political roots makes you a "maverick?"

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:22 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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