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Friday, 22 July 2005
Longing For The Days....
Topic: Hopefully Humorous
Ah, do you remember the days when conservatives and liberals could get together and argue the finer points of the size of government? How I long for the days when the merits of my arguments were considered instead of my patriotism as exhibited by how well I fall in line with the views of the present administration.

Anyway, is linking to an article on the Rutland Herald entitled,

GOP candidate calls for impeachment

I'd much rather have the Independent Bernie Sanders but if I lived in Vermont Dennis Morrisseau is one maverick Republican I could vote for.

Isn't it ironic how during this tumultuous time for the Republican party and the United States that returning to your political roots makes you a "maverick?"

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:22 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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