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Monday, 15 November 2004

Love It? Then Leave It...

Topic: Satire
This is for all you conservatives out there: if you love America, then leave it, go to Canada, and find out what true liberal policies can do when implemented in a country (and incidentally what the founding ideals of this country were <--- notice the "were") and then come back and put this country on the "right" course.

Now I know what your saying, you nationalistic, country-ego-maniac, that thinks the good ole' US of A is the best country in the world because we spend $450 billion dollars a year on a military that lost to 3, 3rd world countries. What makes this country great is the values and ideals that it was founded upon and nowhere in those founding documents does it say that we should be "nation building", a modern day word for imperialism. Nor did it say anything about codeifying one's religious beliefs into law. And it does specifically allow all groups and individuals equal protection and rights under the law.

After the closest won election by any incumbent in the history of our country, there is much debate over what is wrong with the Democratic party. I'll tell you what the problem is: the Democrats haven't failed because they've gone too far left they've failed because they haven't gone far enough. When you look at the political spectrum on the left you have liberals, on the right you have conservatives, and then there is everybody in between. Most people forget that if you go to the extreme on the left you get socialism, which is defined as:

A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor.

On the right extreme you get fascism, which is defined as:

A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

So ask yourself, would you rather a government that was either fascists or socialist, or leaned one way or the other. I don't know about you but the answer is pretty obvious to me. I would rather pay higher taxes that go to build-up people instead of building bombs that terrorize people from other countries with the imposed will of our minority.

I have news for those of you that consider yourself a conservative, (you're probably a neo-conservative but that's another story), your philospy is contradictory to what this country was founded upon. So I say if you love it, leave it, go to Canada and come back.

Here's a taste of what you'll find over there:

High quality of life. Low crime rates. Progressive social policies. A strong economy.

There's a lot to love about Canada. Here are just some of the reasons why you might want to join us:

Canada enjoys a publicly-funded health care system that guarantees all Canadians coverage for medically necessary services in a timely fashion no matter where they live in the country.

Foreign Policy
Canada treasures its reputation as a peacekeeper and provider of humanitarian aid around the world. As a strong supporter of multilateralism, Canada elected not to send troops to Iraq when the United Nations Security Council failed to pass a resolution to intervene with military force.

Environmental Policy
Canada has ratified the Kyoto Protocol and committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 240 million metric tons a year by 2010. Canada has also undertaken the largest conservation agreement in the world by promising to protect approximately 600 million hectares of northern boreal forest which account for more than half of the country's land base. The western province of British Columbia in 2002 exceeded the UN biodiversity target by putting 13% of its land into protected parks.

Gay Rights
Canada is a world leader in recognizing rights for gays and lesbians. The Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Same-sex common-law couples have the same rights, benefits and obligations as common-law heterosexual couples under Canadian law. Same-sex marriages are now legal in six provinces (Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan) and one territory (the Yukon). Same-sex couples are allowed to adopt children in four provinces (Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia).

Drug Policy
Canada was the first country to allow and regulate the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. A Senate Committee report released in 2002 recommended the legalization of marijuana; the Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police both support the decriminalization of marijuana; and the federal government has committed to introducing a bill to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Abortion Rights
Canada has no law restricting abortion, which is considered a medical procedure and is subject to medical regulations.

Gun Control
Canada prides itself as a country with relatively little violence that is committed to maintaining public safety. Under the Firearms Act, every firearm in the country must be registered and all Canadian gun owners must be licensed. It is illegal to lend a firearm to someone who does not have a valid Firearms License. Visitors to Canada are also subject to the Firearms Act. They must apply for a temporary firearms license and declare any firearms they bring into the country.

Cultural Diversity
Unlike the "melting pot" concept of the United States where cultural heritage is always secondary to the larger American identity, Canada considers its culture a colourful mosaic, where everyone's heritage is a vibrant component to be celebrated and cherished. Secure and comfortable in our diversity, multiculturalism has become a cornerstone of the Canadian identity. In fact, the United Nations has named Toronto, Canada's largest city, the most multicultural city in the world. Officially a bilingual country, Canadians have the right to federal government services in both English and French.

NO Capital Punishment
Canada abolished capital punishment in 1976 after a parliamentary free vote. By contrast, the death penalty is a sentencing option in the United States, both federally and in 38 states. (Amnesty International considers the death penalty a human rights violation.)

NO Federal Deficit
Canada is the only G7 country to run seven consecutive surplus budgets. It has not run a federal deficit since 1996-97. The United States deficit is expected to reach $422 billion in 2004.

Sounds a lot like a country that values justice and an equitable distribution of property and labor and not a whole hell of a lot like the direction that this country is taking. You can read more about moving to Canada by following this link Canadian Alternative.

P.S. Incidentally Canadian Alternative formed after the election, due to tremendous demand.

P.P.S. All you neo-cons probably won't make it into Canada, in fact, this is the only country that will accept having somebody like you living in it, so I ask you to please stay in those central states and away from the coasts. Thank You.

And now a message from our beloved President to all the American people and the world:

Posted by The Indy Voice at 1:25 PM EST | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Updated: Monday, 15 November 2004 11:17 PM EST

Tuesday, 6 December 2005 - 11:27 AM EST

Name: Camille

nice one!!! he looks better with his mouth shut and his finger pulled up then no finger but a big mouth

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