Thursday, 1 September 2005
A Taste of What's To Come
Topic: State Of The Union
Last night my grandfather had a massive heart attack. We took him to the local emergency room. The only thing that kept him alive was a ventilator. The doctor told us that he could survive but that with the forecast of thunderstorms in the area he might not make it. We asked the doctor what bearing thunderstorms had to do with our grandfather's prognosis. The doctor said that if the hospital was to lose power my grandfather could die because the hospital lacked an alternative energy source.
We immediately called another hospital and asked if they had alternative energy. Their answer was sure, any hospital built within the last 50 years and anyone with just half a brain in their head wouldn't design a hospital any other way. We called other hospitals and their answer was the same.
We couldn't figure out why on earth this particular hospital lacked an alternative energy source, after all, they have the technology and the money to implement one. They've also known about the need to have an alternative energy source for over 50 years.
While this scenario is completely fictional the specter of an entire economy hinging upon 1 source of fuel is an even scarier proposition but that is our reality. Every product or service that our country produces is directly tied to our insane dependence on oil. In much the same way that my fictional grandfather would die in the hospital that lacked an alternative energy source, our economy will die without oil.
Politicians, especially our President, are more than keenly aware of this catastrophe waiting to happen. Do you see why it's more than likely that the war in Iraq is being fought directly related to oil? It has nothing to do with the President trying to bring oil to the masses at a couple of pennies savings. It has everything to do with our economy, our livelihoods and our way of life as we now know it. Does that sound like a more pressing reason to invade a country that NEVER posed a military or terrorist threat to ours?
Those of us that take the time to understand the issues and value the truth have been well aware of this ridiculous dependence for over 50 years. Considering the immediate implications on human life it would seem as almost an ancillary benefit that removing this dependency could also stop poisoning the environment.
How's this for a solution; state, county and town planners take the perspective that just because automobiles are ubiquitous we still need to plan communities that provide easy access through proper planning. Mass transportation to work, play and shopping resources should be considered essential. Every home built from this day forward should be mandated to be capable of supporting its energy usage completely off the grid and should not use fossil fuels. Legislation should be passed mandating that essential government services should have redundant alternative power. A country wide initiative should be started to promote academic, governmental and corporate innovations with the stated goal of creating multiple forms of decentralized energy sources. And every form of transportation should immediately be required to dramaticly increase the number of miles per gallon with the 10 year goal of removing fossil fuel burning vehicles from our roads.
The benefits to these solutions are almost infinite and without these initiatives there is going to come a time when we will look back on the days that hurricanes squeezed supply and we will long for them. This problem is not going to go away and it is only going to get worse. We can wake up as a nation and do something about it before a major disaster occurs or we can wait, allow the status quo to remain the status quo and slowly or rapidly and violently have our worse nightmares become our daily existence.
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 6:34 PM EDT
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Updated: Friday, 2 September 2005 1:31 AM EDT
Monday, 29 August 2005
Representation Anyone?
Topic: State Of The Union
In preparation for writing about the hypocrisy and lies which is the modern day Republican party I thought about things like the truth, salvation and honesty. I decided to direct the eye that I normally use to point out Republican hypocrisy towards the Democratic party. What I came up with I wrote below entitled "The Opposition?"
I am growing more convinced that my problem as a voiceless liberal lies squarely with the Democrats in their obstinate reluctance to fight the Republicans. You see, I've never voted for a Republican in my life and with the Republican political field compromised of homicidal maniacs purchased by corporate America I think it will be quite some time before my vote knowingly selects someone with an R behind their name. They
may see a vote when this changes or hell freezes over, whichever comes first, but I think the smart money's on a climate change in the nether region.
Tonight I was watching my favorite
real TV news program,
Democracy NOW!, when I saw a clip of Cindy Sheehan.
Democracy NOW! also showed clips of other mothers who have come to the realization that their sons have died needlessly in a war based upon lies. After reading Cindy's writings on
BuzzFlash and listening to these other women, I've come to the conclusion that they're a bunch of courageous ladies, unafraid to speak the truth.
My thoughts turned to our elected Democratic leaders. I thought about those Democrats that I've supported and voted for.
Where the hell are they?
Why are they leaving these moms out there all alone?
Why don't they lend their considerable voices to the mix?
Where is Cindy's representation?
Who in Washington is going to represent the voices of the people who value the truth,
who have looked at the evidence and have concluded that this President has lied to the tune of thousands of people needlessly murdered?
Where is the Democrat willing to admit that they made a mistake when they authorized this President to use force?
What Democrat has the balls to step forward and call this President out on his lies?
Here's an even better question,
if you fail to stand up for those that fearlessly say what millions of us believe,
why do you deserve our vote?
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 11:28 PM EDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 30 August 2005 12:02 AM EDT
Friday, 26 August 2005
The Opposition?
Topic: State Of The Union
op?po?si?tion 1.
The act of opposing or resisting. b.
The condition of being in conflict; antagonism c.
Placement opposite to or in contrast with another. d.
Something that serves as an obstacle. A political party or an organized group opposed to the group, party, or government in power.It's time to face the facts, the Democratic party is not a solution for someone that values peace, truth, justice and equality. Look at the record, Democrats oppose the President in the way that he's "handled" the war but they don't have a problem with his policy of war, they even voted for it. The President supports radical ideologues for prominent positions and the Democrats do little to nothing to oppose them. Congress passes legislation that further hurts the poor and the Democrats sit idly by on the sidelines.
In fact with exception of a few, Democrats actually differ very little in action from Republicans. They are just as entrenched in the power structure as the Republicans and completely disconnected from the realities that Americans face every day. That's why Clinton served up nationalized health care to Hillary. He knew it would fail without him throwing his weight behind it and he failed to realize the +45 million reasons why it needed to succeed. He played a game of politics with people's well being and what the Democrats fail to realize is that Clinton was primarily successful because of his charisma and ability to communicate not because he was a moderate.
Hell, I volunteered for John Kerry because it was my belief that had he been President we never would have ruthlessly attacked another nation that posed absolutely no threat to ours but the fact of the matter is that John Kerry voted to give George W. Bush authorization to use force. Regardless of what Kerry thought was the proper course of action he and his Democratic compatriots should have opposed George W. Bush then and now. But they're not. Not one of them is making a stand. Not one of them is going out on a limb. They are so damn concerned with maintaining their grasp on the little power that they have that they won't stand out and stand up and use every resource at their disposal to fight Congress and this administration at every turn.
The situation is analogous to how the poor destroys itself for control of meager resources. You see, the Democrats are losing power and have been for years. Instead of changing course, which means to stop looking at the polls and start doing what's right, they cling more and more to the failed examples of the past. All that they need to do is look at why the other side is winning. The answer is brazen decisiveness. The Republicans have a vast agenda to advance and they dive into it wholeheartedly. For anyone paying any kind of attention can see that they're not even trying to hide the fact they've been completely purchased by corporations and legitimized by self-appointed religious extremists who all have an interest to further, which incidentally happens to run contrary to the needs and desires of the American people.
They represent fascism and zealotry and they're beating YOU! Don't you get it? You need not look at polls to win! You just need to stand with the people. Don't laugh at them, don't condescend to them and certainly DO NOT tell them what you think that they want to hear. Be honest, be strong and stand willing to give up your seat of power if necessary to say and do what should be said and done.
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 9:06 AM EDT
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Updated: Friday, 26 August 2005 9:33 AM EDT
Wednesday, 24 August 2005
A Journey Worth Taking
Topic: Personal
Let me tell you where I've been lately. I've recently decided that I require some form of credentials or some universally accepted document that adds some additional validity to my writing. So I've decided to take some night classes at North Carolina State University (Go Wolfpack!) leading towards a degree in Political Science. But just like everything else in life and exactly at the moment when you think that you've got everything figured out, irony comes from around the corner and kicks you squarely between the eyes.
You see, I started thinking and I realized that in order for me to earn the aforementioned credentials I would have to read books and write papers. The problem is I already read books and write papers. I read a lot of books and I write more often than I would if I were to attend a class. Now I'm not saying that I'm against education but I think I've just internally confirmed something that I've been saying in posts found throughout this blog which is that nothing matters more than your credibility.
You can become a PhD, write books, publish papers, work in the field etc., but if you don't have credibility no one is going to buy your books or read your papers. No one is going to hire you, except maybe the Republican party (I hear they're looking for a President), if your word is not credible. That's what ultimately matters, not some arbitrary credential given out by an institution, the validity of which may be suspect.
However, I am going to plug away at getting my degree not for the credentials but for the fundamental reason why higher education is so important; to expand my horizons, to consider the thoughts and opinions of others who I may not even have heard of if not for the introduction by some learned professor. I'm going to embark on this journey, not so that I can wind up at a specific destination but rather so that I may be better able to discern a journey worth taking.
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 10:30 PM EDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 24 August 2005 10:33 PM EDT
Thursday, 18 August 2005
Real Power
Topic: Personal
When I was a kid my father would always tell me that I was going to get into a fight with someone that was bigger and badder than me because I allowed people to "push my buttons." He always told me that one day I was going to get pushed by the wrong guy. I've always suspected that my father was just "projecting" his perceived shortcomings on me, his impressionable son but recently the wisdom of his statement has become abundantly clear.
My father and I are very much alike because we share a common personality trait that allows our passions to mushroom into anger when provoked. I'll be the first to admit that I do let people "push my buttons." I do. However, I've recently realized that there are people in this world who feed off of people like me and are continually seeking to provoke this response. Some of these bottom feeders even go so far as to turn this perverse activity into a form of sport akin to fishing and they create very lucrative radio or television programs that show-off this type of behavior.
What makes them so good at what they do is that when this tactic is employed by people like me against them, they always turn it around or somehow deflect the blow, probably because they've mastered the technique so well it's almost second nature. For example let's say that you're an overweight, draft-dodging pill-popper who has questions about your sexuality. How many career choices are there for depraved cowards like yourself? How about a sanctimonious radio program where you can sit atop a self-created throne and hurl down vitriol at often innocent, good-hearted, courageous, do-gooders?
Or even a television program where every week you can sit next to a weak-minded, unfortunately handsome know-nothing, where your audience can obviously see how much better looking and well spoken you are compared to your co-host. You can create an entire personality all your own from celluloid and a little make-up and those stylist can really mask the true nature of your depravity. Pretty soon people may forget that you don't have the qualifications to pick-up garbage.
There I go again. It's hard not letting people "push your buttons" but I'm going to turn over a new leaf. I will no longer take the bait. I will not be drawn into reacting to the petty musings of some mediocre mind. And I call on my liberal brethren to do the same. Don't do it because of some high-minded purpose but rather do it for practical reasons. Don't let them profit off of your reactions.
The next time some simpleton writes a book, makes a comment on his or her blog, radio or television program, ignore it. That means
don't discuss it,
don't allude to it,
don't link to it,
don't even mention it or them.
PERIOD. Don't do it. Shut them out, turn them off, don't click on that link, boycott stupidity and I assure you we will win.
Do you know why I'm so certain that we will win? Because that is exactly what they do to you and they DO NOT have the truth on their side. They don't even care about the truth, they only care about money and power and if you haven't noticed they're winning, big time.
So what can you do when a ding-a-ling from the dunderhead gallery is trying to bait you, you ask? Try to find the best words to convey to people how your thoughts can be something that they agree with. Imagine just how powerful it would be to frame a complex argument into a concise statement that jives with people's way of seeing things. That's what they do. Now imagine doing it with the truth. That's real power.
Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Post THIS!
Topic: Iraq
The Washington Post has pulled the plug on the Pentagon Patronizing Propaganda (or the PPP as it should be known) but also known to the deaf, dumb and I don't know what America is really about crowd as the "Freedom Walk."
"Post news employees are subject to disciplinary action for participating in political activities that may be perceived as revelatory of personal opinions or bias. The Washington Post itself should be held to the same high standard. . . . The Guild supports The Post's stated intention of honoring the nation's veterans, including those who have served in Iraq. But the Post undermines this goal by lending its support to a political event that links the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks to the war in Iraq -- a link that The Post, in its reporting, has shown to be false."
'Wash Post' Cuts Ties to Pentagon Event After Protests
F*&K the "Freedom Walk" Go To This Concert Instead!
Acts of Antiwar: Operation Ceasefire Will Bring Music To the Mall
Monday, 15 August 2005
Just A Joke...
Topic: Hopefully Humorous

I'm just wondering if mainstream journalists would benefit from being stoned?
Would their reporting be better or worse?
God knows no one would notice if those boneheads over at FauxNews smoked some gangha!!!
I nearly wet myself, thanks Kev!
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 7:58 PM EDT
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Updated: Monday, 15 August 2005 8:07 PM EDT
Wednesday, 10 August 2005
Topic: Iraq
You still don't get it, do you?
First of all if you're going to pretend to care for those that were murdered on 9/11 you should at least know the correct number of those that died, 2,819. (
9/11 by the Numbers)
Yes, soldiers do sacrifice, unlike the other 279 million Americans who, other than being a soldier or the family or friend of a soldier, have sacrificed absolutely nothing in this crusade to bring democracy to the Middle East. With that being true we should NEVER send our soldiers to die in an evil war based upon false pretenses. Upon realizing this ruse perpetrated against us we should work to immediately remove those soldiers from harms way. Supporting our soldiers means only putting their lives on the line when it is absolutely necessary and anyone who tells you otherwise is a lying traitor. Bringing the troops home today would not be quick enough.
Unfortunately these words and this wisdom is wasted on the ignorant but we should not stop speaking the truth at every chance we get. Simply put, we invaded a sovereign nation that posed no threat to us in either word or deed and our soldiers were sent to kill innocent Iraqi citizens and die in an evil war based upon false pretenses.
What's it going to take for more people to believe this? The Downing Street Memos point to this conclusion, numerous insiders and whistleblowers all make the same claim. There were no weapons of mass destruction found. There were no Iraqi ties to Al-Qaeda. Our actions against the Iraqi people have only incited more violence, more terrorism and more hostilities. How much evidence is sufficient to prove that YOU were lied to? Would you be convinced if Bush finally admitted so much or would your pride and your party attempt to spin these truths yet again? Why is everyone that disagrees with this administration cut down like wheat from a farmer's sickle? Are they all wrong? Do they all have sinister motivations? How would that explain the internal intelligence memos of a foreign government that was in high-level discussions with policy makers directly in the Bush administration? Common sense, logic and a little information should tell you that at the very least there should be an independent investigation into to these extremely serious allegations.
Ask yourself what motivations dissenters have for speaking the truth. Are they trying to sell you something? What benefit is it to them to not go along with the party line? By witnessing what has happened to others that have spoken up wouldn't a truth teller know that they would be risking their own livelihood by doing so? Unfortunately history bears out that the truth tellers are often the ones that are condemned with vitriolic ferocity and the liars are exalted. The reason for this truth is that the liars have something to gain and those telling the truth have everything to lose. Unfortunately we are again playing out this historic tragedy where the victims are the innocent heroes.
If the victims of 9/11 were to meet George Bush and assuming that the after-life privilege's fortunate souls to the truth, they would tell him that his actions are an example of a despicable human being that failed to take into account the human costs of war. They would also tell him that there is ABSOLUTELY NO GOAL WORTH THAT COST. They would tell him that when he made his political and monetary calculations for selling a case of vengeance to the American people he knew full well that his statements had no basis in reality. If they could talk to him they would try to convince him that others have come before him and have followed similar paths. They would try to convince him of the reality that those who add nothing to humanity but lies, death and destruction are doomed for all eternity.
Look below at the picture of the cost of this human tragedy. Search for the truth, it’s there and you can find it. There are real people trying to live life the best they can who are from all walks of life; Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Democrats, Republicans, boys, girls, men and women, the young and the old, all who’s veins flow with the same color blood as your own and they are suffering directly from OUR actions. We do not need to forget those evil acts perpetrated against us to remember what we are responsible for.
The wisdom of the ages and the wise throughout time have all repeated the same truths. Isn’t it about time you listened?
Ultimate Sacrifice
Topic: Iraq
James 2:14-26"Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Topic: State Of The Union
Click the picture to have your voice heard,
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 4:45 PM EDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2005 5:40 PM EDT
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