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Thursday, 1 September 2005
A Taste of What's To Come
Topic: State Of The Union
Last night my grandfather had a massive heart attack. We took him to the local emergency room. The only thing that kept him alive was a ventilator. The doctor told us that he could survive but that with the forecast of thunderstorms in the area he might not make it. We asked the doctor what bearing thunderstorms had to do with our grandfather's prognosis. The doctor said that if the hospital was to lose power my grandfather could die because the hospital lacked an alternative energy source.

We immediately called another hospital and asked if they had alternative energy. Their answer was sure, any hospital built within the last 50 years and anyone with just half a brain in their head wouldn't design a hospital any other way. We called other hospitals and their answer was the same.

We couldn't figure out why on earth this particular hospital lacked an alternative energy source, after all, they have the technology and the money to implement one. They've also known about the need to have an alternative energy source for over 50 years.

While this scenario is completely fictional the specter of an entire economy hinging upon 1 source of fuel is an even scarier proposition but that is our reality. Every product or service that our country produces is directly tied to our insane dependence on oil. In much the same way that my fictional grandfather would die in the hospital that lacked an alternative energy source, our economy will die without oil.

Politicians, especially our President, are more than keenly aware of this catastrophe waiting to happen. Do you see why it's more than likely that the war in Iraq is being fought directly related to oil? It has nothing to do with the President trying to bring oil to the masses at a couple of pennies savings. It has everything to do with our economy, our livelihoods and our way of life as we now know it. Does that sound like a more pressing reason to invade a country that NEVER posed a military or terrorist threat to ours?

Those of us that take the time to understand the issues and value the truth have been well aware of this ridiculous dependence for over 50 years. Considering the immediate implications on human life it would seem as almost an ancillary benefit that removing this dependency could also stop poisoning the environment.

How's this for a solution; state, county and town planners take the perspective that just because automobiles are ubiquitous we still need to plan communities that provide easy access through proper planning. Mass transportation to work, play and shopping resources should be considered essential. Every home built from this day forward should be mandated to be capable of supporting its energy usage completely off the grid and should not use fossil fuels. Legislation should be passed mandating that essential government services should have redundant alternative power. A country wide initiative should be started to promote academic, governmental and corporate innovations with the stated goal of creating multiple forms of decentralized energy sources. And every form of transportation should immediately be required to dramaticly increase the number of miles per gallon with the 10 year goal of removing fossil fuel burning vehicles from our roads.

The benefits to these solutions are almost infinite and without these initiatives there is going to come a time when we will look back on the days that hurricanes squeezed supply and we will long for them. This problem is not going to go away and it is only going to get worse. We can wake up as a nation and do something about it before a major disaster occurs or we can wait, allow the status quo to remain the status quo and slowly or rapidly and violently have our worse nightmares become our daily existence.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 6:34 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 2 September 2005 1:31 AM EDT
Monday, 29 August 2005
Representation Anyone?
Topic: State Of The Union
In preparation for writing about the hypocrisy and lies which is the modern day Republican party I thought about things like the truth, salvation and honesty. I decided to direct the eye that I normally use to point out Republican hypocrisy towards the Democratic party. What I came up with I wrote below entitled "The Opposition?"

I am growing more convinced that my problem as a voiceless liberal lies squarely with the Democrats in their obstinate reluctance to fight the Republicans. You see, I've never voted for a Republican in my life and with the Republican political field compromised of homicidal maniacs purchased by corporate America I think it will be quite some time before my vote knowingly selects someone with an R behind their name. They may see a vote when this changes or hell freezes over, whichever comes first, but I think the smart money's on a climate change in the nether region.

Tonight I was watching my favorite real TV news program, Democracy NOW!, when I saw a clip of Cindy Sheehan. Democracy NOW! also showed clips of other mothers who have come to the realization that their sons have died needlessly in a war based upon lies. After reading Cindy's writings on BuzzFlash and listening to these other women, I've come to the conclusion that they're a bunch of courageous ladies, unafraid to speak the truth.

My thoughts turned to our elected Democratic leaders. I thought about those Democrats that I've supported and voted for.

Where the hell are they?

Why are they leaving these moms out there all alone?

Why don't they lend their considerable voices to the mix?

Where is Cindy's representation?

Who in Washington is going to represent the voices of the people who value the truth,
who have looked at the evidence and have concluded that this President has lied to the tune of thousands of people needlessly murdered?

Where is the Democrat willing to admit that they made a mistake when they authorized this President to use force?

What Democrat has the balls to step forward and call this President out on his lies?

Here's an even better question,
if you fail to stand up for those that fearlessly say what millions of us believe,
why do you deserve our vote?

Posted by The Indy Voice at 11:28 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 30 August 2005 12:02 AM EDT
Friday, 26 August 2005
The Opposition?
Topic: State Of The Union

a. The act of opposing or resisting.
b. The condition of being in conflict; antagonism
c. Placement opposite to or in contrast with another.
d. Something that serves as an obstacle.

A political party or an organized group opposed to the group, party, or government in power.

It's time to face the facts, the Democratic party is not a solution for someone that values peace, truth, justice and equality. Look at the record, Democrats oppose the President in the way that he's "handled" the war but they don't have a problem with his policy of war, they even voted for it. The President supports radical ideologues for prominent positions and the Democrats do little to nothing to oppose them. Congress passes legislation that further hurts the poor and the Democrats sit idly by on the sidelines.

In fact with exception of a few, Democrats actually differ very little in action from Republicans. They are just as entrenched in the power structure as the Republicans and completely disconnected from the realities that Americans face every day. That's why Clinton served up nationalized health care to Hillary. He knew it would fail without him throwing his weight behind it and he failed to realize the +45 million reasons why it needed to succeed. He played a game of politics with people's well being and what the Democrats fail to realize is that Clinton was primarily successful because of his charisma and ability to communicate not because he was a moderate.

Hell, I volunteered for John Kerry because it was my belief that had he been President we never would have ruthlessly attacked another nation that posed absolutely no threat to ours but the fact of the matter is that John Kerry voted to give George W. Bush authorization to use force. Regardless of what Kerry thought was the proper course of action he and his Democratic compatriots should have opposed George W. Bush then and now. But they're not. Not one of them is making a stand. Not one of them is going out on a limb. They are so damn concerned with maintaining their grasp on the little power that they have that they won't stand out and stand up and use every resource at their disposal to fight Congress and this administration at every turn.

The situation is analogous to how the poor destroys itself for control of meager resources. You see, the Democrats are losing power and have been for years. Instead of changing course, which means to stop looking at the polls and start doing what's right, they cling more and more to the failed examples of the past. All that they need to do is look at why the other side is winning. The answer is brazen decisiveness. The Republicans have a vast agenda to advance and they dive into it wholeheartedly. For anyone paying any kind of attention can see that they're not even trying to hide the fact they've been completely purchased by corporations and legitimized by self-appointed religious extremists who all have an interest to further, which incidentally happens to run contrary to the needs and desires of the American people.

They represent fascism and zealotry and they're beating YOU! Don't you get it? You need not look at polls to win! You just need to stand with the people. Don't laugh at them, don't condescend to them and certainly DO NOT tell them what you think that they want to hear. Be honest, be strong and stand willing to give up your seat of power if necessary to say and do what should be said and done.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 9:06 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 26 August 2005 9:33 AM EDT
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Topic: State Of The Union
Click the picture to have your voice heard,

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:45 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2005 5:40 PM EDT
Thursday, 4 August 2005
Congressional Watergate?
Topic: State Of The Union
The latest developing and potential blockbuster of a story that we know will be repeatedly misreported in the mainstream news, may be by a woman by the name of Sibel Edmonds who is taking her former employer the FBI and key high-level Democrats and Republicans head on. is reporting that Vanity Fair is going to be floating allegations that GOP chief Hastert took Turkish bribes.

Gail Sheehy of The New York Observer reported about the linguists plight back on January 21st of 2004 in an article entitled, "Whistleblower coming in cold from the F.B.I.". Sheehy reported that Edmonds has accused the FBI of a number of misdeeds including attempting to extort members of Congress by willfully allowing translation work to go unprocessed in an attempt to show that the FBI required more money to protect the nation.

Edmonds has also claimed the FBI has used bully tactics to keep her quiet about other allegations such as,

" lapses in hiring and monitoring of translators, investigations that have been compromised by incorrect or misleading translations sent to field agents; and thousands of pages of translations falsely labeled "not pertinent" by Middle Eastern linguists who were either not qualified in the target language or English, or, worse, protecting targets of investigation."

Additionally, has some great "double-super-secret background" on Ms. Edmonds' previous allegations, Classified Letters Regarding FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

Sibel Edmonds is now alleging that she was privy to top secret conversations that took place between Turkish nationals and U.S. lawmakers whereby the Turks attempted to bribe U.S. politicians into not voting for a resolution to condemn the actions of Turkey in its complicity for genocide of its native Armenian population in 1915 because the ramifications of which would make Turkey's acceptance into the European Union extremely difficult if not impossible. The conversations have allegedly taken place between Republican U.S. Representative and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and other politicians from both sides of the aisle. is reporting that

"Hastert originally backed the resolution but then withdrew it minutes before it was scheduled to go up for a House vote.

Hastert’s office has denied receiving any such payments and Vanity Fair reports that there is no evidence that any payments were made.

Edmonds is suing the government over her (sic) dismissal but the Bush administration is attempting to have the lawsuit quashed claiming it would reveal state secrets."

The following are questions asked by Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes to the Republican Senator from Iowa, Charles Grassley, about the credibility of testimony by Sibel Edmonds concerning previous allegations,

Bradley: "Did she seem credible to you? Did her story seem credible?"

GRASSLEY: "Absolutely, she's credible. And the reason I feel she's very credible is because people within the FBI have corroborated a lot of her story."

If these new allegations prove to be true this story has the makings of a controversy tantamount to Watergate squared but this time the repercussions of which will be felt by the legislative branch and the F.B.I.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 4:18 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 4 August 2005 4:28 PM EDT
Thursday, 21 July 2005
Talking Point
Topic: State Of The Union
Falling in line and being the good little Democrat that I'm not, here is the number 1 talking point,

Bloomberg Is Reporting That Karl Rove Is A Liar,
What A Shock!

After all, it is what they told me to say.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 11:55 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 21 July 2005 11:56 PM EDT
Wednesday, 20 July 2005
What Did You Expect?
Topic: State Of The Union
The President has predictably nominated conservative judge John G. Roberts for the Supreme Court.

Wanna know what I think? I'm gonna tell you anyway!

I think the President said that he would fire anyone responsible for leaking the identity of a undercover CIA agent to the press. I think that Karl Rove and Irv Lewis "Scooter" Libby have clearly done that.

I think that Joseph Wilson's credibility is not in question. I think that not only was he truthful, I think this administration admitted so much when they retracted the statement about Iraq seeking Uranium from Niger from the state of the Union address. Not to mention that IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Director Mohammed El Baradei has definitively quelled any remote possibility that Iraq was seeking Uranium from Niger by basically saying that the "intelligence" that it was a based on was a really bad hoax. Another administrator for the IAEA went so far as to say that it was possible to debunk the obvious hoax by doing a simple Google search.

What perplexes me is why on earth would anyone from this administration target Joseph Wilson for character assassination? They should have just left it alone and the press and the public would have completely ignored it.

I think that even if Karl Rove, Chief Advisor to the President of the United States and Scooter Libby, the Vice President's Chief of Staff, didn't use Valerie Plame's name or didn't know that she was considered an undercover agent by the C.I.A. and therefore not technically in violation of any laws, they still should be strung up from the nearest tree because they should have known or they shouldn't have opened their mouths.

Despite everything that RNC shill for the White House Ken Mehlman has to say on the subject, reality is that the CIA believes that a crime has been committed. Reality is that a federal investigation is proceeding and while it does journalist Judith Miller sits in a real jail. Reality is that Joseph Wilson was right and that President George W. Bush's has lied yet again. Reality is that all of the justifications for war with Iraq are complete bullshit. NO WMD. NO ties with Al-Queda. NO imminent threat.

As for Roberts, what did you expect from the pathological liar-and-thief George W. Bush when he said that he would be a uniter not a divider?

Posted by The Indy Voice at 10:50 AM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Updated: Wednesday, 20 July 2005 10:53 AM EDT
Tuesday, 12 July 2005
Liberals Just Don't Get It!
Topic: State Of The Union
Damn liberals are always lousing things up by constantly seeking the truth and demanding justice. Now how can this administration continue to pay back corporate campaign contributors, rape the environment, redistribute wealth from the people who created it to the people who exploit it and generally create chaos around this country and the globe with liberals throwing monkeys in the wrench? The nerve!

Sign the petition demanding that W fire his brain, Karl Rove,


P.S. If Bush fires his brain would that leave him with a learning disability or would he be profoundly mental retarded?

P.P.S. I've never told anyone this but I always see the face of Major Toht whenever I hear Karl Rove's name. Yeah sure, you have to interpolate Toht eating a couple hundred quarter pounders with cheese to catch up with Rove's girth but I see a total physical and personality resemblance there. Here, look for yourself,

Posted by The Indy Voice at 2:55 PM EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 12 July 2005 7:17 PM EDT
Monday, 11 July 2005
Rove + Novak = CELLMATES
Topic: State Of The Union
Some of you may know that The Indy Voice was the evolutionary next step from The Independent Voice created on October 01, 2003 on which the first post read,

I've created this Blog out of the fury that arose in me surrounding the leak of ex-ambassador Joseph Wilson and the disclosure, by columnist Robert Novak, that his wife is a CIA “operative”. Of all the low-down, unpatriotic things someone could have done, and I am disturbed that no one has the BALLS to call Novak (et al) the traitors and potential aggravated murderers that they could have become.

After W. has said that those responsible for this treasonous act will be found and held accountable we get this,

White House Won't Comment on Rove, Leak

Heap this atop the mound of evidence that points to this administration as the most hypocritical of them all. They're not concerned with the truth, justice or anything that even resembles what it means to be American. They don't even know what that means and they thought that they could get away with yet another bold face lie but this one is going to come back to bite them in the ass. If you happen to be close when it does just watch out for all the hot air escaping.

When did the White House press corps grow a big hairy set? Check this out,

Note to Mainstream Media: This is what journalism is supposed to look like

Hey look, Zell Miller's not only an asshole he's also a crook,

Shame Shame Zell

Posted by The Indy Voice at 11:31 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Monday, 11 July 2005 11:57 PM EDT
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
Respect for the Truth
Topic: State Of The Union
File this under wake the F*&$ up America!

It's All Infotainment, It's Not Real!!!

The Indy Voice will never sugar coat the truth, bow down to any political party, utter any talking points, mention Paris Hilton or otherwise waste the time of your life, that you will never get back, without good reason and/or while attempting to be deceptive or allowing my philosophy to steer the facts.

We should all be so bold to respect the truth enough to search for it, even though it may differ with our perceptions of reality.

Posted by The Indy Voice at 11:53 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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