Topic: Retort
Right now they're 300,000 strong "grandmothers in wheelchairs and babies in strollers, military veterans in fatigues and protest veterans in tie-dye" marching on the capitol in a show of peace and patriotism. They're sending a LOUD AND CLEAR message to the heartless and ignorant masses that don't understand that not only is it patriotic to protest this war but it is your right and duty as an American to do so. If you think otherwise maybe it's you that's the traitor!
This march is just the beginning. This is just the start of the galvanization of those that love peace.
Cindy Sheehan and others like her are solidifying the silent majority in not being so silent any more. For every grandmother in a wheelchair who is willing to stand up to the elite minority powers that be, they're are handfuls of grandchildren who are going to be inspired by her courage to do the same. Those opposed to this evil war are FINALLY in the majority and they're getting restless. This is a real wake up call to all you foolish pro-war mongers that we are not going to remain silent as you destroy this great country and Earth with your ignorance and hate.
It's been repeated throughout the eons and it has failed miserably every single time. The only way that rational human beings can solve their problems is through empathy, compassion and communication.
So if you're interested in solutions and not creating more problems, try and have the courage to walk to the other side of the aisle where we value true courage, reason and compasssion. Although you will have to endure what the morons think are insults. They'll call you a peace-nik, a dove liberal and a pinko-Commie. They'll say that you hate America and they'll tell you that you don't support our troops. But who cares? They're ALWAYS wrong and they are now! You tell 'em that you do love peace, you are a member of the community and you should have a voice no matter how much anyone doesn't like it. You tell 'em your actions and words are what true Americans do and say, that you're trying to live up to the ideals of this country and that they're just windbags who wrap themselves in the flag, think freedom is choosing what color Hummer to buy and think supporting our troops means not having to sacrifice a God damn thing!
You tell 'em that you're not afraid anymore to speak what you know to be the truth. You tell 'em that there are a lot more people like you than there are like them and that you're not going to be bullied into submission by overfed, overpaid, undereducated blow hards that wouldn't know a virtue if the angel of truth yelled in their ear, "YOU'RE WRONG!!!"
So for those of you reading this that have no problem with sending our poor off to kill and die in the pursuit of killing the poor of another country and your enduring support of this policy lasts so long as you yourself don't have to make any sacrifices, just keep in mind that we're coming for you and the policies you so tenuously support. We've got your myopia sighted in our scope of reason and while you are entitled to your opinion, you will NEVER speak for us, even if a slim majority did elect you President.
Posted by The Indy Voice
at 9:57 AM EDT
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Updated: Sunday, 25 September 2005 10:12 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 25 September 2005 10:12 AM EDT